Stranger Things Sold On Ecommerce Sites


You can buy anything from food to vehicles. All with just a couple of clicks. Thousands of transactions are made every day, most of them are quite normal. However, every now and then a strange and unexpected item is put up for auction.

A corn flake

In November of 2009, Bill Bennett sold a cornflake on eBay for around 1 euro. He did it as an experiment, but he was not expecting buyers. "At first there were no buyers," he said, "but then someone offered 1 cent and it grew from there." After a couple of days he agreed to sell it for $ 1.85.

Barack Obama toilet paper

If you want to clean your butt with democracy, this is the toilet paper for you. This item retails for only $ 5.95 a roll.

Giant Granny Briefs

Prank your friends with the biggest underwear in the world. $ 14.99 will guarantee laughter or confusion, but probably some combination of the two.

Driver, with car

It is probably illegal to buy and sell people in India, even online. This young entrepreneur in Buxar in Bihar seems to be a patron to finance his transport business, because you can buy his car, with a driver, for 1.800.000 rupees.

Michael Jackson's underwear

A pair of Michael Jackson boxers sold, with a reserve price of $ 1 million. The garment had been seized as evidence during a sexual abuse investigation in 2003.

Fake urine for the toilet

More articles to prank your friends. Whether you are at home, at a friend's house, or at the office, this article provides days of laughter, frustration, and confusion for everyone. A single yellow tablet in the toilet, and you will have days of yellow water even though you lower the lever.

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