Step by step to create an eCommerce

The turnover of electronic commerce in Spain during the last year has been increased by 28% year-on-year up to 9.333 million euros, according to the latest electronic commerce data offered by the CNMCData portal. Of course, creating eCommerce is a process that cannot be very complex if you follow a few simple ones to the letter. guidelines for action. Where a series of objectives must be met to reach the goal with sufficient guarantees of having performed the duties correctly. For this to be in this way, nothing better than to carry a previously designed work plan on what we will have to do to create an eCommerce from now on.

Although it may not be given much importance, the previous step to initialize this process in the development of an electronic commerce necessarily involves defining the business name that you are going to start up in a short space of time. Although it seems like a very simple task to put into practice, it really is not that simple. Due to the fact that you will have excessive difficulties because some of these denominations will already be chosen by other entrepreneurs.

You will have to charge the batteries to import a name in the eCommerce that is suggestive and attractive. But above all, it helps you to market the service or product with greater guarantees of success. On a next step is the hiring a hosting service. This is because it is the accommodation where the online business that you are going to start should be located from now on. They are two purely administrative aspects, but not for this neglect it because you can put the project at risk from the beginning.

Create eCommerce: configure your development

Once the first steps to develop the online store have been formalized, the next objective will be to get it ready to start operating. In this sense, you will have no choice but to define how you want this point of sale to be in electronic commerce. There are many factors where it will be necessary to reflect and one of the most relevant is the management that you are going to give to your products. like the information or contents that you are going to allocate to explain each one of them. Not surprisingly, it is the starting point for which customers or suppliers are going to be interested.

There are also others that can help you position yourself within the sector. Like the ones we expose below:

  • Offer some clear contents, simple and that really explain what you offer to customers.
  • Look for information that is properly diversified and that provide added value. They should never be content to fill in as it can harm your business interests.
  • Select a template on the website that is fun and functional. But above all that attract attention from the first moment to differentiate yourself from the rest of the sector of your professional or business activity.

Not by complying with them will you be guaranteed success. Of course not. But at least you will have managed to lay the foundations for its correct implementation from now on. Remember this so you don't make any mistakes at this stage of the process.

Nor can they forget to which markets or geographical areas you are going to go and that it is very important to configure the website according to the languages ​​or currencies international of them. On the other hand, choosing an excellent template is one of the keys to digital business success. In this sense, it is necessary that you be advised by authentic professionals in direct marketing so that they provide you with the best solution for the true needs of your online business.

Second key: personalize products or services

Another step to carry out is based on a strategy as basic as customizing eCommerce products. This actually means that the competition at the moment is very strong and you have no other solution than to design a presentation and content that reaches the recipients with some ease. This aspect can be achieved with greater practicality differentiating yourself from other electronic businesses of your same sector. As well as highlighting the most positive aspects of the offer that you are going to launch in the coming days.

A little trick that almost never fails in these cases materializes in the publication of a blog that build customer loyalty. To the point that you can provide very relevant information within the sector where the eCommerce you are going to create is located. Although it may seem superficial at first, with the passage of time you will come to the conclusion that it is a very practical and innovative extension in your business. As long as you offer quality information and content that interests customers or suppliers.

Third key: seek a better position in the market

There is no doubt that this is a sector in clear emergency and therefore you must provide services that are duly differentiated. In this sense, one of the keys to not making mistakes in the project lies in conduct a market study about the viability of the e-commerce business you are going to start.

If you do not have the technical and even monetary resources to undertake this action, you can use other kinds of strategies that almost always meet this objective. These are some of the most relevant:

  • Look for the trends of each moment and verify which sectors are the ones that contribute the best results to the income statement.
  • Bow down for the advice of marketing professionals that will be able to provide you with some or other guidelines on the emerging models that best adapt to your real needs.

Fourth key: do not forget the legal aspects

Even if it is an e-commerce company, this does not mean that you do not have to comply with a series of legal requirements. Of course not, because if you don't you may have some very negative surprise from now on. Even be subject to some fine by the administrative organs of the State.

At least you should bear in mind the legislation on some of these aspects:

  1. General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union.
  2. Electronic Commerce Laws.

A very practical advice is to go to a lawyer specialized in new technologies to provide you with some guidelines on what to do with your online store.

Another strategy to collect this information is based on use updated websites where you can find legal texts of total validity. In this sense, you cannot forget that you can take along content that has changed in recent years.

Fifth key: promoting your virtual store

One of the most frequently made mistakes in the eCommerce sector is neglecting its promotion once the project has been developed. This is a serious mistake that you can pay dearly for in the short and medium term. But you have enough resources to correct this problem in marketing. Do you want to know some of the most relevant?

  • First try define a strategy on social media. This is an increasingly decisive aspect to achieve growth objectives in e-commerce. Through the following tips:
  • Select those social networks where your potential clients are located and be very active in them. In this way you will simplify the process by not having to formalize accounts for all social networks. Only in the most necessary and that will be the ones you will need to promote your business online.
  • Try to retain and follow the people who will be most interested in the services or products you offer. It is not about reaching a greater number of users, but the most appropriate profiles.
  • El Google positioning it remains a guideline that never fails. But you must take care of this strategy with special care and dedication. To the point that it will be one of the most determining factors for your electronic commerce to be visible among Internet search engines.
  • You can also try create a powerful affiliate network to make your commercial products better known. You do not have to start large but you can develop it little and little with the help of friends, family and specialists in these commercial techniques.

Sixth key: I will analyze performance on a regular basis

You may not know it but if you carry out this strategy you will always be in a position to improve your sales. Especially through the elimination of errors that you have committed up to now. At first it will cost you a bit, but in a not excessively long period of time you will see that it has been worth it to get to this situation.

On the other hand, it is also very useful to measure the results in Google Analytics. It is a free tool that can help you to progress in enhancing your virtual store.

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