Advantages of SSL Certifications for a website

SSL certifications

Como cloud entrepreneurs We know that it is vitally important to offer our clients a safe environment at all times. Every day they are more frequent pages that attempt to impersonate secure sites to commit fraud. For that reason, it is our responsibility have certifications that guarantee the legitimacy of our page, thus offering a site in which to trust.

El SSL certificate corresponds to the terms in English Secure Socket Layer and works as a security protocol protecting both our data and those of our customers.

The advantages of our page having an SSL Certificate are diverse:

Security for you and your client:

Having a security protocol guarantees the protection of financial and personal data, both yours and your clients. In this way we will prevent them from being used by third parties.

Sales increase:

Having a safe environment will increase the trust of your customers and with this the number of sales.

Event insurance:

Most of the options when hiring an SSL Certificate include insurance that protects you against fraud or malfunction events.

Pishing Protection:

One of the biggest concerns is spoofing. This certificate also has protocols to assure your clients that there is only one version of your page.

Different prices and options on the market:

Many companies of web security offer SSL certificates with different options and prices depending on the needs of each web company.

It is important have an SSL Certificate to assure our customers that the site they visit is legitimate and that they can trust us with their financial information. Currently, most browsers and mobile and fixed applications have SSL support.

If you own an online store it is important that you consider acquire an SSL Certificate to offer a better shopping experience to your customers.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.