If you have a online store of any kind, it is likely that your customers, regardless of their age, gender or economic condition, are active users on social networks. This means that you can take advantage of social networks to promote Ecommerce and increase sales, as well as consolidate its presence on these platforms.
One of the first things to do is go where customers are, from Facebook to Twitter, from LinkedIn to YouTube. There is no limit to the number of social channels available to leverage your business. The key, however, is to select the right social platforms to reach customers.
For this it is important take surveys on social networks to get informationIn addition to using a social site monitoring tool that allows you to discover how and where customers are talking about your brand, competitors, and target keywords.
It is also very important to monitor what competitors are doing, so in this case it will be It is necessary to find out the social sites where the competition is active, the type of content they publish on the social network, as well as the number of followers, fans or visits they have on each site.
It's also a good idea to find out how they promote specific products, programs, or events through social media. Now, for you Ecommerce be successful on social media, it is essential to attract customers with something that they cannot get anywhere else. In addition to this, it is also important to offer an exclusive element to followers such as sending a weekly coupon or a free delivery, offering breaking news that does not appear anywhere else, including previews of upcoming products, as well as a look at the inner workings of the company.