Social networks evolve. They change. If we were to look back and see how they were before, you would notice a big change. And where you would do it the most is in the sizes of photos on social networks.
Every year they change. Sometimes even two or three times. And having sizing covers and posts can help you avoid having to crop or pixelate the images you post. That's why, How about we leave you a size guide so you know how to properly publish on the networks?
Image sizes on Facebook
We are going to start with a widely used social network, not only on a personal level, but also on a professional level.
If you would like to give a good image to your followers, you need to have at hand the sizes of photos on social networks, specifically on Facebook. And depending on what you want to publish, there will be one size or another.
On the fan page
The fan page is a Facebook page may create both people and professionals. It is composed of:
- A profile photo, which should ideally be 170 x 170. On mobile it will look smaller, 128 x 128 px, but it is better to make it smaller than to make it pixelate when making it large.
- A cover image. In the browser you will have to upload it at 820 x 312 px. In the app it comes out smaller, 640 x 360 px. Regarding events, the size changes, it is 1200 x 628 px. If instead of putting an image, you prefer a cover video, make sure it is 1250 x 312 px and that it is also between 20 and 90 seconds, not further.
- A post. If you want it to look perfect, make sure they are square and 1200 x 630 px. If it's a video, then make it 1080 x 1080 px.
Now, as you know, There are also news on Facebook. We are talking, for example, about reels and stories that can now also be published on this social network.
- The reels that are not longer than 30 seconds (although in some countries they leave you 60). Please ensure 1080P resolution, MP4 format and 9:16 aspect ratio.
- The stories at 1080 x 1920 px.
Facebook Ads
if you are going to create ads on facebook, this image size guide will come in handy:
- Images: 1600 x 628 px.
- Videos: there are two types, or 600 x 315; or 600 x 600px.
- Carousel: 1080 x 1080 px.
- Marketplace: 1200 x 1200px.
- Audience network: 398 x 208 px.
Twitter Image Sizes
The next social network we talk about is Twitter. This is simpler, although it also has different parts and each one with its size.
- Profile photo: 400 x 400 px.
- Header: 1500 x 500 px.
- Image posts: 1024 x 512 px. If they are linked images then change to 600 x 335 px.
- Twitter cards: 800 x 418px.
- Summary Card: 280 x 150px.
- In-stream image: 440 x 220 px.
Instagram Image Sizes
Of the many social networks where you have to be careful with image sizes, this is one of them. Keep the measurements well for this 2023. You can always make yourself some templates so that the entire design of the networks is decorated in a professional way.
- Profile photo: 320 x 320 px.
- Publication of images: here it will depend. If it's square, make it 1080 x 1080 or 2080 x 2080 px. If it is horizontal, 1080 x 566 px; and if it is vertical, 1080 x 1350 px.
- Stories: 1080 x 1920px.
- Reels: 1080 x 1920px. Maximum 90 seconds.
- Videos. In publications they will be 1080 x 608 px if you put them vertically, and 1080 x 1350 px if they go horizontally. Of course, do not exceed 10 minutes. In the event that the video is for stories, put it at 750 x 1334 px with a maximum of 15 seconds.
Ads on Instagram
If you plan promote your account or posts on Instagram through ads, keep this in mind:
- If they are publications: 1080 x 1080 px. Horizontally, 1080 x 566 px.
- If they are stories: 1080 x 1920 px.
Linkedln image sizes
Linkedln is a professional social network. AND if you want to be taken seriously you need your images to be consistent with the publications that come out on the net. Have these sizes on hand:
- Profile photo: 400 x 400 px.
- Header: 1584 x 396 px.
- Posts: 520 x 320px. But if you are going to have a link, make it 520 x 272 px.
- Company logo (for company pages): 300 x 300 px.
- Company page cover: 1584 x 396 px.
Ads on Linkedin
Also on Linkedln you can promote your account or your publications, so note proper image sizes.
- Single image ads: 1,91:1 (landscape, desktop and mobile); 1:1 (square, desktop and mobile); 1:1,91 (vertical, mobile only).
- Carousel: 1080 x 1080 px at 1:1.
- Video Ads: Horizontal: 16:9; Square: 1:1; Upright: 9:16. Make sure it's MP4 and 30 frames per second.
- Events: 4:1.
YouTube Image Sizes
Completing your YouTube channel so that it looks perfect is paramount, even to promote and for SEO. So keep this in mind:
- Profile photo: 800 x 800 px.
- Cover: 2048 x 1152 px. 16:9.
- Video thumbnail: 1280 x 720 px.
TikTok Image Sizes
On TikTok, related to images, you will only have the profile picture which has to be 20 x 20 px.
The rest are videos and these are 1080 x 1920 px.
Pinterest Image Sizes
Pinterest, like Instagram, it focuses on the images and that is why you have to know the sizes well. In fact, Pinterest is one of the social networks that can position you the most because the truth is that it is very well received at that point. So don't put it aside if you can manage it.
- Profile photo: 165 x 165 px.
- Header: 800 x 450 px.
- Pin: 1000 x 1500px.
- Board cover: 200 x 150 px.
- Boards Cover Thumbnail: 100 x 100 px.
- Story: 1080 x 1920px.
Twitch Image Sizes
To finish the social networks, we have Twitch, where we also have videos, but there are some image areas.
- Profile photo: 256 x 256 px.
- Header: 1200 x 480 px.
- Information panels: 320 x 320 px.
As you can see, each network has its own sizes of photos on social networks, so you have to have a good guide so as not to get confused and then the images do not work for you. Have we missed any social network? Tell us about it.