Social Ecommerce in 3 steps

Social Ecommerce in 3 steps

The Social Commerce is that branch of electronic commerce that uses the tools available on different social networks to create a good online shopping experience. One of these tools is the ease and speed with which we can communicate with customers.

Thanks to these online platforms we can offer a feedback level that previously it was not possible to solve doubts or receive comments in an interactive way.

To take advantage of it, we can follow these three simple steps:

Get noticed

Social networks have options that allow your publications to be visible to potential consumers at a very low cost. Interactive dynamics are simple to carry out and can include humor or social trends that will attract the attention of your audience.

Listen to your consumer

Once you have the attention of your target market, analyze the things they say about you. Keep in mind that you will find positive and negative opinions and taking both into account is important so that you can reach a greater number of satisfied customers.

Reinvent yourself.

Now you know what they think of you. Enhance the positives and change the negatives. You will always find a way to adapt your product to reach more people, and in these changes you can even find ways to reduce costs or improve the quality of our products.

The benefits of having a customer service team are diverse. These tools give us the possibility to listen to what our clients think about us. We must remember that the current customer is much more demanding and you are used to receiving an immediate response.

In this way we find different ways of answering questions, suggestions or needs that our clients have and thus put them into practice to improve our product and the relationship we have with our consumers.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
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  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.

      Maria Abreu said

    excellent post!