We know that social networks are an element that we cannot omit if we want our online store to reach many more people. But it is true that it is difficult to handle a lot of social networks at the same time, especially for those emerging, small and medium-sized companies that have a limited number of resources and staff. While the goal is to be active and present on at least Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Where do you start?
One factor that we can take into account is the number of users that each of the social networks. A study by The Social Media Family ensures that there are 24 million Facebook users, followed by Instagram with 9.5 million users and Twitter with 4.5 million. This can give us a very general idea of where to start first. But just as important is taking the demographics that predominate in each of these networks.
Speaking of Facebook, of the total of Spanish users, 56% of the users are between 18 and 40 years old, 38% are between 40 and 65 and 6% are over 65 years old, with more female profiles than male (53 % - 47%). Almost 6 million have university studies, and Madrid is the city with the most users, followed by Barcelona, Valencia and Seville.
Twitter It also has its largest users in the same cities as Facebook, but with the difference that on this platform it is not necessary to indicate a gender. We have thus that 33% of users are male against 29% female and 38% unspecified.
Instagram It is the newest network, and meets similar demographic trends, in which 69% of its users are under 40 years old, and a similar trend for female (51%) and male (49%) users.