SEO trends for the success of a website 2015

SEO trends for 2015

Despite the fact that more and more ingredients become part of the recipe for the success of an online store or a website of any kind, SEO is still a fundamental element.

From the Rebeldes Marketing Online agency they share what are, in their understanding, the SEO trends for this year 2015 how to apply them to a digital business.

The importance of "responsive design"

Incorporating a web design adaptable to mobile devices, more than a trend, is already a necessity. According to statistics, 56% of users browse from their mobile phone after seeing an advertisement or information from a specific brand. Of these, more than half (53%) end up making a purchase or requesting more information.

This amply justifies that a corporate website or an online store must have the integration of a responsive web design for mobile devices. That users cannot correctly view a web page from their devices is a risk factor, since, if the format is not suitable for correctly viewing the products on the screen, they will look for another web that provides them with better visibility.

In addition, responsive design influences web positioning. "That your website is friendly with mobile devices, indicates to the search engine that you are offering a better user experience, so Google will position you before another that does not contain this feature", They say from Rebeldes Marketing Online.

Content with appropriate "long tails"

As Rebeldes Marketing Online reveal, creating quality content that offers help and is interesting for the user is no longer enough. «Adapting a long tails strategy for your content is vital for the user to find your business before the competition. Integrating keywords and metadata into your content (both internal and external) that help index you and offer you to the potential customer is vital for this year 2015 ».

For this reason, it is vital to make a list of those powerful long tails suitable for the market niche of each business and accommodate the content to them. For an entrepreneur, the most important thing is to take those generic words that describe their business model and that are relevant to them.

Get mentioned

"Online reputation should be one of the fundamental strategies in your online marketing strategy this 2015", they remember from Rebeldes Marketing Online.

More and more platforms are dedicated to collecting user opinions in order to create a reputation for specific brands or products. But these platforms become a double-edged sword: on the one hand we get visibility but on the other we can generate bad reviews. "Something to keep in mind is that a negative opinion is much more viral than a positive one, so offering a good service is what ultimately counts."

The problem with online reputation through mentions is that, with so many communication channels, it is difficult to follow up. Creating a good methodology to monitor and measure our online reputation is the key in 2015 when it comes to online marketing.

The opinions regarding this SEO 2015 trend is that it is very complex to have absolute control over all the comments that are poured on the web about products or brands. The recommendations of Rebeldes Online in this regard are not to make the user guilty for bad reviews and to worry about listening and remedying, as far as possible, that bad reputation through healthy and respectful discussions that allow fluid interaction.

Get visibility on Social Media

The social media they are still this year 2015 trend in online marketing. There are already several years in which it is speculated about whether Google takes into account in its positioning algorithm, the impact on social networks of a company or brand. Google denies that this is so and affirms that social networks are not a measurement instrument. Be that as it may, finally this year 2015 we will be able to verify if social networks are really a tool that influences the positioning of our website or not.

Anyone who has a website or online store resists believing that their visibility and strategy on these platforms have no repercussions at the level of positioning. Rebeldes Marketing Online thinks about this SEO 2015 trend that it is best to continue working in this direction since, although it does not affect positioning, it does affect conversions.

Less strategy and more interaction

For this year 2015, online marketing dictates that the large amount of content poured into the search engine and the optimization of its technical components at the SEO level are not enough to achieve objectives. There must be a tendency to humanize the brand. This means empathizing with the potential customer so that they decide on our product before that of another. "Blogging campaigns at the dissemination level or a campaign to defend our brand through users who buy from us and recommend us, is the healthiest and most effective strategy to improve our results on the Internet", remember from Rebeldes Marketing Online

Rebeldes Online's opinion regarding this 2015 SEO trend is that positive feedback from users who have bought from us is the best sales strategy to attract future customers.

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      oscar said

    Opinions of other users will become increasingly important for search engines in 2015, also in the field of local seo. Good article

      SEO/SEM said

    The contents are very important now for the SEO positioning of web pages, including keywords in them, as well as working every day to get new content. Congratulations on the article from Project and Web Creation.

      Web design said

    To have a good SEO on our web pages it is clear that you have to take great care of it from the first moment the web page is created until it has already been developed and you have to complete it with content, good content, internal and external links and take care that the links do not fall. - Buy cheap Chinese mobiles said

    I also think it is worth noting the influence that investment in SEM campaigns has to position SEO more effectively: S: S: S

         English Academy said

      In addition, the important thing is not only to get users, but to be able to convert them into clients through a web oriented to coversions.