SEO tips to boost content marketing

SEO tips to boost content marketing

The most important factors to generate a positive impact on the Tips of SEO of a web page or Ecommerce site, have to do with optimization for mobile devices, analysis of perceived value of a page, in addition to readability and design. Here we talk a little about how implement SEO tips to boost content marketing.

Satisfy the intention of users

Nowadays, a keyword to deliver a relevant search result. Now search engines are seeing how users interact with web pages, so everything is related to Post-click activity. That is, not only do you want to get clicks, you also need to satisfy the user's intention.

The keyword is not everything

In the Current SEO, including keywords in titles is becoming less and less important. Sure it is still useful to mention them within the content, but now the semantic meaning is becoming more and more relevant. Now instead of talking about the best restaurants, it is best to talk about great dining experiences, since this is the type of content that interests the search engines.

Focus on the user experience

Original content is increasingly important, therefore it is essential to generate unique content that motivates users to read or better yet, to share articles. Content must be original and audience-oriented goal so that every time someone does a search on Google, they get the right result.

Longer publications

Years ago, a 300-word Post was enough, but now, longer posts, between 1200 and 1500 words, perform better in search engines. Longer articles generate more traffic and rank higher in SEO.

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