If you are a cloud businessman, most likely you also buy on the internet. It may be material, services or even a Web server. Just as you make sure to offer the best security systems your clients to carry out their secure paymentsIt is also important that you take important security measures when paying your suppliers, in this way you will not compromise your security or that of your customers.
Avoid making payments or banking on public networks
We know that a great advantage of smart phones is the ability to make money movements from practically anywhere, and many times we find free internet networks in restaurants, squares and even airports. However, we must be aware that these networks are very insecure, as well as easily manipulated. Therefore, if you need to carry out a money movement operation, be it large or small, it is preferable that you do it from a secure network, such as your home or your private mobile phone.
Do not accept to make deposits or bank drafts without being sure that the company is legitimate
In these times, there are countless secure and online payment methods that facilitate a transaction without risks or complications. Therefore, it is to be suspected if a provider asks you to make a payment to an account number for which you have no way of knowing if it is real. Keep your investment safe and always choose providers with secure payment methods.
Ask for references from your suppliers
An offer may seem tempting to us, but there is no better assurance that your providers are reliable than the word of those users who have had good experiences, without finding hidden charges or extras. This advice is especially useful if we are talking about services such as web servers or payment gateways.
With these tips you will ensure that your logistics chain is always complete and functional, especially when it comes to your payments.