What is the sale of time in electronic commerce

sell time in ecommerce

At present they proliferate online stores, based on the sale of all kinds of products. You can find almost anything you need in an electronic store and it is a simple and quite popular type of business.

If you are the owner of an electronic store, you are surely looking for how to position your site to get more visits and increase your sales and, therefore, your income, so you will be happy to know that in addition to your products, you may be able to sell your time.

You can increase the profits of your store by offering an extra, such as selling time. Of your time

What is time selling?

But What is time selling? How can time be sold?

To begin, you have to be clear about your time, depending on the sector you dedicate yourself to and when you discover it, get the most out of it.

Selling your time does not need any investment economic or maintenance and yet it provides you with added benefits to your sales.

It is surprising to see how many businesses that exist online can Increase your profits through the sale of time.

If on any occasion you have requested a prior appointment to go to a medical consultation, a legal consultation or a hairdresser, you have made use of the sale of time by these companies.

Believe it or not, all companies can sell their time without any problem, you just have to determine the business sector and thus discover what or what type of "time" you can sell.

First we are going to classify the type of business, and then find out if you have time to offer:

sell ecommerce time

If your business is a service that it is not done online, that is, that you physically perform:

  • Physical trainer
  • Companion for seniors
  • Glass cleaner
  • Pet hotel

If your business is a service that you offer exclusively online, that is, it is only available virtually:

  • Web designer
  • Comunity Manager
  • Writing articles online

If your business allows you to offer your knowledge in exchange for a price and you can share them through:

  • HSE Consultations
  • Consultancy.
  • Teaching on a personal level

If your business is based on a product whose elaboration is long and you need a previous time to deliver it finished:

  • Making cakes for events
  • Architectural projects

If your business idea is not among those mentioned above, it does not matter because it is only a small summary illustrating what the time of different sectors is.

Whatever your company and the dedication of your business, you can develop a plan to sell your time online through e-commerceEither by selling your knowledge or through a window on your page offering online dating.

All companies can implement this type of service on their page, but for the most part they do not realize the value of this type of sales.

How can I sell my time?

Let's imagine you are diseñador de moda and your business is to create unique custom designs. Obviously the process involves a series of steps that must be followed in a mandatory way.

sell time online

You have to take measurements, prepare the fabrics, make the pattern, transfer the fabric and do tests and more tests to the client, until finally the product is finished.

If we speak for example of a wedding dressIt is evident that the bride does not prepare the event in a short time, and goes to the designer in time so that the work can begin, surely several months in advance of the wedding date.

In addition, over time you verify that your clients are very interested in your work and how you make your designs and they ask you questions of how you do certain things or how you solve some problems that may arise throughout a project.

It occurs to you that you could make a small guide for those who want to get started in fashion design or tell some not-so-secret secrets of how to make certain patterns, make some seams, increase or decrease a size, how to choose the type of fabric, know the fabrics and colors, etc.

There are also some ideas, such as preparing some short tutorials in video format that you will upload to your page. You will sell each lesson for € 30. Each of the lessons will focus on a different aspect of fashion design. Those interested, who will now be students and your students, will be able to choose which lesson they want to learn online, without the need for you to be present.

You can create classes with a certain number of students and you will be able to see the process of each one and what lessons each one is taking.

You have just introduced a new source of income to your business.

Remember that the example of the fashion designer is only an example, you just have to adapt the sale of time to each business or business style.

The most important thing to be able sell your time to potential clients it is knowing them and knowing what they want and what they need. Find out and they will pay for everything you offer.

If you have knowledge of the platform WordPress, take advantage of them to share them in small tutorials.

If you have a store musical instrumentsYou can sell your knowledge advising those who want to buy one or even take some quick music classes.

Maybe you are an expert photographer And now you want to add an application to your page so that people can hire you for a session of one hour, or for a class for amateurs.

Think that there are as many possibilities as there are businesses, there is nothing written and there are no limits.

Online bookings

Many companies make the mistake of not allowing the option to book online.

Something as simple as reserving your space in a beauty salon, or in a pet hotel or a dog walker, turns your business into one that does not exploit all resources and even loses customers.

sell time

Telephone calls only make both you and the customer lose precious time, especially if you have to multitask and also attend to the device and the customer has to call on more than one occasion.

The convenience of making a reservation from your mobile or laptop, at home or at work, is not comparable to the cumbersome calls and wasted time.

The client visits your agenda, checks hours and days of the week, determines which day seems best without having to ask endless questions and decides for himself. There is nothing more rewarding for a client than being able to decide when and at what time they want your services.

Do not doubt for a moment that a client who has to make several calls to determine what day he can see you, will choose another company that makes his job easier just by ticking an X in a box and reserving his appointment.

Benefits of selling time online

The main benefit that you are going to obtain from selling your time is quite obvious: money.

El economic benefit It is what we pursue when we create a company and by selling your time you are increasing these considerably.

  • Visibility. When you start sharing what you know with other people, either through video classes or small printed guides, you are empowering your personal brand, so you will be more visible on the internet.

When your company begins to associate with another type of business parallel to the initial one, your activity increases both physically and virtually and you will be rewarded by search engines main.

  • Personal development. We all like the idea that other people count on us to dispel certain doubts related to our work. In addition to sharing your knowledge and experience with others, you may discover the teacher that we all have and rarely develop.

La Self esteem It is important when we want to transmit to other people what experience has taught us over the years, so if your security allows you to sell your time, you are developing an important part of your personality.

  • Agility in your company. When you make your time available to third parties, for example by implementing a tool so that customers can request an appointment With you for advice, you are expanding your coverage without stopping your business process at any time.
  • Time. When you have a business and clients are interested in small questions about it and you explain it to them, you may have to do it again with other clients.

If you sell your time, for example, making small video tutorials, you are avoiding having to continuously repeat your knowledge individually and thus do it only once. In this way, when you share them on your page, as many students or clients as they want will be able to benefit from the tutorials and you will only have to record it once and you will be able to dedicate more time to other activities of the company or even to create more material for the future.

Selling your time can occupy only a part of it, so if what you want is to save your time, this is the best option, because once you have your material available for sale, everything works by itself.

Now you are the owner of your time and you can have it both part-time and full-time.

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