Renaiss AI for companies: what it is, functions and why have it

Renaiss AI companies

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is reaching all sectors, and that it is predicted to be the future (with its lights and shadows, especially at the work level). That is why One of the tools, at the business level, that uses AI is Renaiss AI for companies.

But what is Renaiss IA? What does it offer to be on the lips of many? As an appetizer we will tell you that it was created in 2023 and that, in just a few months, it has positioned itself. That is what we want to talk to you about next. Take a look at what we've collected.

What is Renaiss IA

AI companies

The first thing you should know is that the name Renaiss IA is actually a startup. Its creator is Javier Martín and he has not started from scratch but had already been with another company, ALUXION, for more than ten years, and seeing how many clients had problems with the digitalization of their businesses.

Thus, it found a problem and provided a solution for its clients: Renaiss IA. In the words of Martín himself, collected from the Diario El Referente:

«Where there is a problem, seeking a solution becomes an opportunity. Personally, I have always been closely related to the world of artificial intelligence. and with the new revolution produced by LLMs. "We want to take advantage of this new world of opportunities in the automation and optimization of business processes based on AI."

What function does Renaiss IA have?

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As established on the website, Renaiss IA has developed a tool called AIForce, which helps implement generative artificial intelligence processes in business operations.

In other words, allows you to manage documents, data and more to make your work easier and can be automated or help make better and faster solutions.

In reality, what it allows is for companies to use models based on LLMs (large language models) quickly, and even without understanding them 100%.

AIForce Features

If you want to know more about the Renaiss AI tool for companies, then we can tell you that among the features you will find are the following:

Enhance your tasks. In the sense that it will help you by eliminating repetitive tasks.

Gives you better control and information

For this it is true that before You have to dedicate time for the knowledge to penetrate AI and then you can use appropriate prompts for direct and truthful answers.

Data sources

You can include your data sources and document repositories, presentations... so that you don't have them scattered everywhere.

Role manager

To clean up who accesses the tool. It is recommended that, for a company, access be divided between departments. This way you will be able to offer each one the appropriate information for their position and work department.

What can you achieve with this tool

After everything you've seen, there's no doubt that The Renaiss AI platform for companies will allow you to streamline the tasks carried out in business, especially the most repetitive ones. This leaves more time to dedicate to other more creative or important things in the business.

However, the possibility of condensing all the company's knowledge in a single place (that is, knowing everything you need to know about the company) allows you to search for any data much more quickly, or even get help for an identity manual, to know the tone and voice of the company, or to specific business data.

Furthermore, as it is a tool that all workers could use, communication between them is more direct and It makes them more efficient by having what they need to work.

Is the Renaiss AI tool for companies free?

artificial intelligence companies

One of the first questions you may be asking yourself right now is whether the tool is actually free. or, on the contrary, it is necessary to pay a subscription, or a definitive payment to work with it.

Well, the first thing is to tell you that it has a free version so you can try it. This is made up of only 100 free interactions. Which means that, Starting with 101, you will have to pay for interaction.

Each interaction you want to carry out with AIForce, the Renaiss AI tool for companies, costs 0,06 euros. Once you pay, you can use this program again.

Of course, there are longer packages, which would correspond to the Business version. This does not have a price since it will depend on what you want with this tool.

As you see, Renaiss AI for companies has managed to find a common problem in business and it has given them a practical result so that they can carry it out without having to resort to "fixes" to solve the problems.

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