Have you ever heard of relationship marketing? As you know, Internet marketing strategies are constantly changing and that often implies that you have to be aware of what comes and changes. In this case, the relational marketing It is an evolution of the traditional one, but still not many understand it, much less apply it.
Therefore, this time we want to help you understand its concept, what differentiates it from the traditional one, what it is for and what benefits it has. In addition, you will learn to apply it in your business. Can we get to work?
What is the relational marketing
Relationship marketing is also known as relationship marketing. It encompasses a series of strategies and methods whose results are obtained in the long term. The objective of this marketing is to build customer loyalty, thus helping to increase customer purchases and benefiting not only the company, but the customer himself. For this, trust and added value are two very important pillars.
In this case, relationship marketing is based above all on the customer, and not on the product, that is why the strategies that are carried out are focused on providing personalized attention to customers. And it is not based on convincing you to sell the products, but on serving you in a way that trusts that any purchase you make in the store will come with quality.
Differences between relationship marketing and traditional marketing
Relationship marketing could be understood as an evolution of traditional marketing, but what differentiates the two? In this case, it is no longer just the fact that relationship marketing focuses on customers and traditional marketing on the product, but it goes further:
- Communication. While the traditional one seeks to reach a wide audience by creating a message that can reach a greater number, in the case of relational it is based on individual and personalized conversations, giving priority to the clients themselves.
- Strategies. Unlike traditional marketing, which makes short-term strategies, relational marketing is long-term, since what it tries to do is build customer loyalty.
- Final objective. We have previously commented that the objective of relationship marketing is focused on the customer. But for this he does not need that purpose to be achieved in the short term, but in the long term, and he does not seek to sell, but to strengthen relationships.
What goals do you have
In general, objectives of relationship marketing are:
- Work the relationship with the client. This implies knowing the client, their needs and what you can do for them.
- Establish a series of strategies based on customer service, and not so much on the product.
- To satisfy the client.
Benefits of using relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is booming. Now businesses do not focus so much on getting sales quickly, but on customers who know them stay with them and thus achieve better service to them. It is like the telephone companies. Although the rates they have are the same for everyone, what they seek is to try to satisfy the client and, for this, they offer bonuses or offers that can help them stay as long as possible. Well, in the case of online stores it is similar. And it is that with this multiple benefits are obtained, such as:
- The increase in LTV. LTV is the acronym by which Lifetime value is known, or what is the same, value to the timeline. It basically refers to keeping clients for as long as possible, trying to add value and make the client feel like a person, and not like a contract number.
- Get them to become ambassadors. If you have a website where they treat you well, where they sell you based on your needs (and not what they want to sell), and that you also feel that they care about you, don't you think you will recommend that site to other family or friends? In other words, you will get loyal customers who will also recommend you to others.
- You reduce expenses. Believe it or not, spending on marketing and advertising to reach other customers is reduced. At first you may not go, but as you have loyal customers you will no longer need to pay to advertise or be known, your customers will already know it for you.
- Happy customer, happy shopping. Imagine you walk into a store. You start looking at things and all of a sudden a shop assistant comes up to you asking what you are looking for. You will surely answer that you are watching, but what if that person does not move and follows you constantly? In the end, you will end up leaving the store because you are uncomfortable. Well, this in the online world happens when they saturate you with products related to those you have seen, or they try to give you offers to buy. Now, if instead of doing that, you focus on strategies that connect you with the customer, don't you think they will be more satisfied to be in the store and see the products without that feeling that what you want them to buy?
How to apply it to your business
Within traditional marketing, they have been implemented strategies after the sale occurs, as an after-sales email to know if you liked what you bought, if you are satisfied with the product, etc.
But, in the case of relationship marketing, it goes further. Some techniques can be:
- Sending post-sale emails in case you have bought something but also happy birthday or happy anniversary as a customer.
- Sending videos related to the product you have purchased so that you know all the functions it can have.
- Comments on social networks. Companies always expect customers to comment on their posts; but here it would not be like that, but on the contrary. Post comments on the person's social networks to create a relationship with them.
- Send you details. A surprise, something that makes you feel loved by the company.
- Awards. As discounts or special promotions to make you feel unique.
Now it's your turn to think of a relationship marketing strategy for your business. At first it may cost you, but the good thing is that you can modify it based on what you learn to find the best that suits you for your online store (or for your website in general).