To be successful with a e-commerce business, you need to be successful in search engine optimization. But this is not always so simple. Here we share some of the main reasons why an SEO campaign for your Ecommerce is failing.
Bad web architecture
It refers to the way in which the pages are organized and arranged within your Ecommerce. This should be easy for users and also for search engines. As a general rule, each page should be accessible with no more than three clicks. If the architecture of the site makes it difficult to find products or categories, it will be a matter of time before the user leaves the site.
A poor URL structure
Use Long and almost meaningless URLs, not good for anyone. In addition to being unclear for users, they are confusing for search engines as they do not offer any information regarding the subject they are dealing with. The urls of your Ecommerce must be concise and descriptive, including the target keyword, without exaggeration.
Duplicate content
Duplicate content can ruin any SEO strategy for e-commerce, so it is important to verify that this kind of content does not exist on the site. For this you can use tools such as OnPage or Copyscape.
Slow site speed
Site speed is a ranking factor in search engines, so having an Ecommerce with slow loading speed is not only bad for SEO, it is also bad for sales. If your Ecommerce store is slow, you are offering a poor user experience and Google considers this to be a compelling reason for not ranking your site in the first places.
Other things that affect SEO campaign for Ecommerce include a low CTR, duplicate title tags, a bad keyword strategy or a penalty from Google.