In marketing there are many types of jobs and tasks that must be reality. One of them is perhaps very important, because it is the one that connects the brand or the products they sell with the target audience. In other words, public relations of your company to customers.
But what is being Public Relations? What tasks are carried out? Do they give benefits? What strategies do they follow? If you want to know more about this profession, either because you want to dedicate yourself to it or because it is what your eCommerce is missing, then we give you all the keys.
What are public relations?
If we are based on the concept that gave the American Public Relations Association, the definition of these would be:
Strategic communication process that builds mutually advantageous relationships between organizations and their respective audiences.
In other words, we are talking about people who specialize in carrying out strategic communication actions that serve to connect companies with their public, always on a positive level, of course.
To do this, they make use of so-called marketing campaigns, which can be very diverse and include other subjects such as influencers, other companies, associations, etc.
A much more extensive and accurate definition of what would be public relations is given by Rex F. Harlow, writer, editor, publicist, and public relations pioneer:
“Public relations is a characteristic managerial function that helps establish and maintain mutual lines of communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its audiences; It involves the management of problems or issues, it helps managers to stay informed and sensitive to public opinion; defines and emphasizes the responsibility of managers to serve the public interest; it helps managers stay ahead of changes and use them effectively, understanding them as a warning system to anticipate trends ”.
Which functions has
If you want to be a Public Relations then you have to know what will be the tasks that you will have to perform. Specifically, we are talking about:
- Carry out communication campaigns, as well as strategies to put the company in contact with its public. These need to be continually reviewed to see if they get the expected benefit or need to be changed.
- Be in contact with the media. You need to take care of a press office since you become the representative figure of the company. Therefore, you will have to prepare press releases, organize the conferences, manage interviews, etc.
- Internal communication. Especially with those that may be related to your work; for example, those who carry out the products, or those who make the labeling of these.
- External communication. Not only with the press, but also with influencers, celebrities, other companies, etc. with which to carry out collaborations.
- Institutional relations. In other words, you have to know about the legislative initiatives, laws and other regulations that may affect your company or the public you are targeting.
- Event organization. With the aim of creating a brand image that can enhance the company.
- Conduct market research. Because it is necessary that at all times you know the situation of the company in the market where it operates as well as the competitors and the type of client it is targeting.
- Produce the content that the communication campaigns will carry.
- Manage crisis situations trying to minimize the consequences that are generated as much as possible.
Strategies carried out by Public Relations
Working in Public Relations is not something easy, especially since you have to be constantly changing to adapt to how changing society is. However, there are multiple models that can be used as PR strategies. One of the main ones, and the one that is almost always taught is the so-called «IACE model» that encompasses the four phases of public relations:
- Investigation. Where a market study, competition and potential customers is carried out to get an idea of how to undertake the second phase.
- Action. Where a series of actions are implemented to be able to publicize the company and make a public relations campaign that works.
- Communication. It is used to know how the campaign is going to be presented and how it is expected to react to certain responses (if it is successful, if it is criticized, if it does not work ...).
- Evaluation. To measure the results and know if the work of the public relations has worked or not. This is not only measured with website statistics, but also through social networks, offline and online advertising, etc. Sometimes it is not successful on the web but it is successful in the networks or people talk about the subject but it does not get reflected in sales.
Other public relations strategies that can be carried out are strategic alliances, storytelling ...
What do you have to study to be Public Relations?
If you are interested in a career in Public Relations, then you should know that there are several alternatives to end up being a professional Public Relations. These are:
- Study a higher degree of FP. It is the one that offers you this type of training and in a matter of two years you can start working with a degree under your arm that gives you the necessary knowledge.
- Study a career that allows you to specialize in Institutional Communication. It is the closest to what is done in Public Relations.
- Work on it. Practice is perhaps the way that will make you learn the most from this job. You can do an internship or start working in Public Relations but don't forget the training, as it will give you the necessary tools to know what to do at all times.
Besides, you should have communication skills, so that your message is always clear and understandable, not misleading. In addition, it is increasingly important know languages, not just English, but at least one other.
Now that you know Public Relations a little better, is that what your business lacks? Do you want to dedicate yourself to it? Let us know.