How to promote your e-commerce using Instagram

How to promote your e-commerce using Instagram

The social media have had enormous potential to boost the marketing of companies in these years, and Instagram It has proven to be a very effective tool when it comes to marketing. However, unlike other social networks, Instagram follows different rules. So how can we take advantage of this site to boost our sales?

Take advantage of Hashtags:

Most people find it difficult to Instagram marketing Due to the impossibility of publishing direct links in the publications (links are only allowed to be shown in the biography of the page exclusively). So our best option is to fully exploit the use of hashtags to promote our products, popular hashtags help us connect with new audiences and can also be used as a link between the brand and the consumer. With a well-used hashtag we can see the followers themselves posting photos buying or using our products.

Opt for your consumers and not for famous models:

Businesses often use the image of celebrities to drive sales, however, in e-commerce this works differently. It is better to use content from your own users to boost sales and form the image of the company. Nothing sells better than something with which you feel identified, adopt a more realistic and authentic approach to your customers and they will feel more connected with the brand.

Plant the seed of shopping:

Posting content too often will not get you the marketing results you want. It is necessary to look for ways to interact correctly with your consumers, for example: when a user publishes content with your promoted hashtag, look for ways to respond to them, but not just an interaction response, the best thing you can do is reward them for their interest in the brand With coupons, offers and discounts, in this way the user will feel more connected and with more reasons to continue and make a purchase in your store.

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