Product line: What is it, how to choose it, how to expand it

product line

If you have an eCommerce you know that you must sell different products to be able to offer variety to your customers. However, all of these products can be similar, based mostly on price, usability, etc. This is what is called product line.

But what is the product line really? ¿Why is it so important? What characteristics do they have? Can it be expanded or decreased based on your needs? If you have been thinking about it, here we are going to illustrate you on the subject so that you have a better idea of ​​this concept.

What is a product line

A product line is defined as a group of these sold by a company. That is, they are the products that are put on sale, either physically or online.

These products are related to each other, that is, they have similar characteristics among them grouped by them. In addition, each of the products are independent and at the same time different from each other.

Product line vs product range

Product line vs product range

Many confuse the product line with the product range. Although they are similar, and have certain characteristics that are similar or equal to each other, the truth is that they are two completely different terms.

On one hand, the product line is a set of products that have one characteristic in common and that companies offer to their customers. The range of products is also offered by companies to their customers but, unlike the previous one, in this case they are products that are part of a set.

To make it clearer to you. Imagine a deodorant. The company may have many deodorant products, and they are all related in their characteristics. But what about the product range? This would be, for example, a selection of hygiene products.

In other words, we could say that the product line is those that are included in the subcategories of an eCommerce while the product range could be the main categories: food, hygiene products, intimate products, etc.

In general, product range houses a larger number of products since it is not based only on certain characteristics, but is more general (not as in the case of the line.

Details of the product

And what characteristics does the product line have? Among them, we talk about:

  • The products offered in the product line are very similar to each other, offering from a similar design to similar functions.
  • They are focused on the same type of consumer.
  • The price they have is very similar between the products.
  • The distribution is carried out through the same channel.

All of this is something that also differs from the product range itself.

How to choose the product line

How to choose the product line

You know what the product line is. You know the difference with the product range and you know what characteristics define it. But, when you are going to start an eCommerce, or in a store, the first decision you must make is to know what you are going to sell. That is, if you are going to sell a range or a line of products.

For example, it is not the same to sell protein shakes than a range of protein products, since it includes shakes, yogurts ...

Actually, the choice of the product line is taken almost at the same time that you decide the type of products that you are going to sell (and the sector in which you are going to try to settle). If you are going to sell toys, there may be a wide range, but you can always choose a line of those products.

How to choose it? You have to base yourself on the following:

  • In your knowledge. It is not the same to sell something that you do not know, than something that you do. Especially because you give more confidence by making customers see that you have tried it and that you are informed of everything you need to know.
  • The demand. There is no doubt that if you choose a product that everyone wants you will have more sales opportunities than if you dedicate yourself to a product line that nobody wants. For example, would you buy a VHS video? The most possible is that no. But you wouldn't say the same if it were a DVD player (and yet both are already out of date). In other words: seek to sell products that are wanted and needed, so you will have more opportunity.
  • Find the appeal. You want to choose products that are really attractive to customers, that attract attention and that they feel that if they do not have them, then they are not fashionable or are not like the others.

How to expand the product line

How to expand the product line

Once you have the product line, it doesn't have to be limited. Although at first it is recommended not to cover too much, in time you could.

In this case, the expansion can be carried out in different directions: upwards (with products of better quality and higher price), downwards (offering products of lower quality and price) or in both (products of high and low quality at the same price). time).

When it comes to expanding the product line You have to follow a studied strategy based on the mission of the company, the options it has, the target audience and products. that I could try.

Thus, before thinking about expanding, it is necessary to think about whether it is viable or not, if there is an audience for it, if the products are consistent with the company's brand image, and if it is possible to carry out an expansion in the company (since having more product lines could mean a greater workload).

In other words, we are talking about a previous research to know if it is appropriate to expand (There are times when you fail to plan the expansion at the wrong time), do it at that time, and get positive results with it.

Now that it is clearer to you what the product line is, its differences with the range and how to expand it, would you dare to do it in your eCommerce? What do you think of this topic?

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