Strategic Challenges for FMCG and Retail: Adapting to the Digital Consumer

  • Digital natives will increase significantly, reaching 75% in 40 years.
  • Mobile use for shopping will be key, with a focus on apps and personalization.
  • Omnichannel experience and sustainability are strategic pillars in the sector.
  • Cross-functional innovation and data intelligence will be essential for business success.

Strategic challenges for FMCG and Retail

Business Consulting, Indra's consulting division, has presented the study «Strategic Challenges for FMCG and Retail»This document is positioned as a fundamental guide to understanding and addressing the challenges that companies in the sector face in the face of emerging consumer trends in Spain. One of the main trends identified is the emergence of digital native, a key figure in the current transformation of the market. To explore this profile, the study delves into the preferences and behaviors of younger consumers.

The author of the study, Cristóbal José Colón, senior manager at Indra Business Consulting, highlights that "The digital native primarily seeks mobility and collaborative consumption, increasingly valuing the price/value ratio"However, it also emphasizes the importance of "transfer the value of the products to this segment of consumers". To adapt to their expectations, companies must anticipate this new dynamic and integrate the ease in their processes, from product search and purchase to payment methods and sharing.

Retail and eCommerce sectors in Spain

The Impact of Digital Natives on FMCG and Retail

The study predicts that the number of digital natives will grow significantly, reaching 56% of consumers in the next two decades, and up to 75% in another twenty years. This change forces companies to redefine their strategies to stay competitive.

The report proposes to make use of digital marketing strategies focused on promoting the commitment with customers. This involves understanding in depth the consumer journey and develop personalized offers capable of satisfying and even surprising. According to Colón, "Innovation must be transversal in all business areas, allowing brands to truly differentiate themselves in the eyes of the consumer".

Among the study's notable recommendations are:

  • Develop a new marketing concept that includes the use of Big Data to understand the consumer.
  • Manage prices and promotions intelligently to ensure competitiveness.
  • Create an organizational model consistent with the new forms of communication and purchasing of the digital consumer.

Online Purchase Frequency and Motivations

The study reveals that 35% of consumers make online purchases at least once a month, while 47% do so between one and four times a year. Only 19% admit to not having purchased products or services online, which highlights the growing importance of e-commerce in the Retail sector.

What motivates consumers to turn to the online channel? The main drivers are:

  • More competitive prices and attractive promotions: These factors continue to top the list of priorities.
  • Comfort and speed: The ability to receive products at home without complications adds significant value.
  • Ease of comparison: Many consumers use the Internet to compare features and reviews before making a purchase.

Physical Store Preferences

On the other hand, the study also addresses the role of physical stores in the current landscape. 88% of consumers indicate that the possibility of see, touch and try the products is an irreplaceable aspect. Furthermore, immediate access to products and the absence of shipping costs reinforce its appeal.

Retailers and personalization

The Role of Mobile in Online Shopping

Mobile phones have become essential in the digital purchasing process. Today, consumers use them mainly to:

  • Search for information about products (22%).
  • Check out offers and promotions (20%).
  • Perform shopping-related activities, such as scanning QR codes, compare prices or read reviews (19%).

In the near future, mobile apps are expected to be key tools for managing the entire purchasing process. 39% of consumers expect to use their mobiles to research products, while 38% will do so to receive personalized offers. This shift represents a strategic opportunity for brands that manage to integrate mobile as an integral resource within their sales strategy.

Key Strategies for the Future of Retail

The challenges identified in the sector not only reflect digital transformation, but also the need to adapt to global trends such as:

  • Omnichannel: A seamless experience across channels physical and digital.
  • Supply chain optimization: Efficient processes that meet the demands of the modern consumer.
  • Sustainability: In response to a public more sensitive to the environmental impact of products.

Current and future consumers will continue to demand Personalized, agile and sustainable shopping experiencesThis evolution underlines the importance of staying one step ahead in understanding and satisfying the market. Innovate It is not only an option, but an imperative necessity for companies that wish to be protagonists of this transformation.

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