In order to make the most of the potential offered by e-commerce is essential that we know the figures that tell us in a better way how much we can exploit our internal market. And the truth is that the e-commerce market continues to grow quite broadly, so it is still a good focus to give to our next endeavor. So let's see the Spain's potential within Europe regarding electronic commerce.
The first thing we are going to consider is that Spain ranks fourth among the countries that online sales records, being surpassed only by the United Kingdom, France and Germany. This shows us that within the entire European territory we can speak of a fairly wide market, and when we see figures such as the fact that 40% of the population make purchases online continuously, we can really see that the potential of this market is wide. , all we need is to learn how to use it.
Now, of all the clients that exist,What is the true potential of each of them? Well, the answer is given by an average annual expense equivalent to 1400 euros for each client. This shows us the purchase potential of each of the members of our potential market.
Taking into account the figure in the previous paragraph we can verify the fact that our sales possibilities are many. Once we know this figure, we can be sure that there are potential customers, but in order to make the most of this information, consider the fact that this expense is annual, so it would be necessary to consider how often we want the customer enter our online store. Without a doubt, it is an opportunity that we should not miss for our endeavor.