Is it possible to manage a store only from our mobile?

mobilecommerce or m-commerce

Electronic commerce is at its peak, and little by little the mobilecommerce or m-commerce, branch of e-commerce dedicated to sales through smartphones or smart phones. And it is true that perhaps it still sounds utopian and impossible to be able to fully manage an effective business with just a Smartphone, however every day we are closer to achieving it with the large number of tools that are offered to achieve it.

Today, almost all e-commerce servers offer an application so that from our preferred mobile device we can control most or all aspects of our store. From modifying, eliminating or including products, to analyzing sales statistics to help us make decisions.

These statistics usually let us see the number of visits our products have, which ones are the best sellers, which ones are accumulating in the stock, and the amount of money that our clients invest in our products on average. It is also possible for us to manage payments and request collection of products for shipment to the customer, or even communicate with them and attend to their questions and needs.

Companies like Shopify They have gone one step further, implementing applications that work with artificial intelligence to help you make decisions for the benefit of your electronic store, such as creating and managing web campaigns, promotions and customer communication. In the case of shopify, it is an app called Kit that is able to communicate via Facebook Messenger with you when making decisions relevant to your online store.

Although there are still things that we must handle personally, such as human resources or certain aspects of the logistics chain, each day it becomes easier to run an online store, as well as much more profitable.

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