Punto Pack is a network of establishments that offer a service for sending and receiving packages and correspondence quickly and safely. This service is available throughout Spain and allows people to send and receive packages comfortably and easily, without having to depend on the opening hours of post offices or shipping stores.
But do you know what Punto Pack is? How does it work? Below we tell you everything you need to know about this courier company. So you will know it thoroughly!
What is Point Pack
To make it clear to you, Punto Pack is actually a service in which, instead of delivering the packages at home, they are taken to neighborhood shops or to the Post Office, places close to the place of residence of the person who should receive them.
In this way, they do not have to wait at home but, once the package arrives at those places, they are notified so that they can pick them up when it suits them best.
Point Pack: how it works
To use the Punto Pack service, it is first necessary to register on the website or mobile application of the service. Once an account has been created, you will be able to access the different options for sending and receiving packages available.
For example, to send a package through Punto Pack, you have to select the type of shipment you want to make (for example, national or international shipment). Then, you must detail the size and weight of the package, and the destination address. You can then choose different delivery options, either to a Pack Point close to that destination, to a specific address, or even to a Post Office.
Once these options are selected, all you have to do is print the shipping label that will go on the package. And you will only have to take it to a Punto Pack that is on your way to deliver it and have them take care of it.
In a matter of days, or hours if it is in the same city, the recipient receives a notification that they can now pick up the package, and when they do, the person who sent it is notified, either by email or via mobile text message.
To make it more clear to you, the operation in the case of receiving a package begins at the moment it arrives at the Pack Point close to it. To do this, an email or telephone number must be indicated to be able to contact him and notify him that he can pick up the package. I eat? Either by email or by text message.
With the identity document and the tracking number, you can go to the place to pick up the package. In case that person cannot go, you can always authorize someone else to do so.
The Punto Pack service also offers the option of sending and receiving correspondence, such as letters and envelopes. This service is used in a very similar way to the previous ones, only that instead of packages, what is received (or sent) are letters.
Point Pack Advantages
You already know what Punto Pack is, and you have also seen how it works. However, now we want to focus on making you aware of the advantages of using it.
Actually, you have several of them, and we will talk about all of them below:
Being able to pick up packages at any time
One of the advantages of Punto Pack is that you can use the collection points that are open 24 hours a day. In other words, there are some points where there is no problem because of the schedule, but rather, by opening all hours of the day, and even on holidays, it allows you to avoid having to coordinate with the exact hours they open.
Also, by not having to wait for a courier to come to your house to pick up or deliver a package, you can save time and avoid having to be at home waiting for the courier to arrive.
You save money
When the shipment is not made to a specific address, but to a collection point, the price of this is usually lower. For example, in the case of Amazon, they put up a promotion in which they discounted 7 euros for sending the package, instead of to the home, to a collection point. Therefore, by not having to pay for it, the price is always cheaper.
More security
Another of the advantages of Punto Pack's operation is the security of the packages. For example, knowing that it will be at the collection point, you don't have to worry about the couriers who bring the order to your home losing it, delivering it to someone else or that there is a theft.
It is true that in the course of the package arriving at the Pack Point all this can happen to it, but it is more complicated, because the time that the shipment remains "moving" is less, and there is less probability of having problems. In addition, in most collection points they have surveillance cameras and personnel who are in charge of the security of those packages.
In any case, if at the time of picking it up you see that it is wrong, you can always ask for the claim form to expose the state in which you find the package.
More flexibility
This is something we've talked about before. And it is that by having what you ask for at a collection point you will not have to waste your time waiting for them to go and collect it. Or to deliver an order (without really knowing what time they will arrive).
That will allow you to take advantage of your time and decide when you want to go pick it up. That without having to be the one who waits, but you can do it at the time that suits you best.
Finally, we must talk about the speed of the service. Since they do not depend on couriers, the packages arrive somewhat faster and more efficiently since they can go from one collection point to another. This way you avoid extra manipulations and also that they can reach their destination earlier. Another thing is when they are collected.
Now you know what Punto Pack is and how it works. This way, when you see it on eCommerce and sites like that, you can decide whether to use it or not. And if it is the best option for your purchases or, in case you have an online store, the best option for your own customers (since some prefer to look for their orders in a place rather than have them go to their homes, especially if they work outside from home and there is no one).