PixxFly is an application that has been designed with the intention of automating content marketing through the different channels of the web without complications. Not only that, the application also provides an analysis for each publication, so that you can know first-hand what is working.
Content research
With this application you can find out the type of content that generates traffic in your segment, in addition to that you can also create content a lot more effective through high-performance themes, messages, titles and descriptions integrated into your content marketing strategy.
Content syndication
La application also has the ability to simplify the way RSS feeds are connected and the moment in which the new content is published. This includes when a new blog post is published, you can even create custom posts to share directly on social media, giving you full control over what content is posted.
Not only that, with PixxFly can also distribute content created previously for those users who did not have the opportunity to view it at the time it was published or who are simply new followers on social networks.
Content distribution
Through the application you can also upload content such as videos, images, all through a simple and intuitive process. This content can then be distributed to the different social network accounts, which in this case is a maximum of 15. You can also manage all accounts, pages and groups, in such a way that you can control exactly when it is sent.
Finally just say that with this content marketing app, you can share the publications, update the status on social networks, schedule posts, create, test and save templates and better yet, there is a complete tracking tool for each piece of content.