With the rise of social media As a method of communication between us and future clients, we have realized that the more we are present we can reach more people. The companies that handle social networks they have also realized this, so each has developed different strategies to help business owners to reach more people. This time we will talk about Pinterest For businesses.
Pinterest is a platform which is based on the creation of blackboards in which users can save different multimedia resources called Pines that they like or may be useful in the future. It is a way of categorizing what they like on different boards. Usually popular topics like DIY or baking, but we can find on practically any subject.
The tools that Pinterest has developed so that businesses can reach more people are:
Save button:
This option allows your clients to save their favorite posts.
Brand guidelines:
It is a guide that contains the rules regarding the use of resources and content on Pinterest.
Detailed pins:
It is an option with which we can add additional content such as app, movie, recipe, article, product or place.
Promotional pins:
They are those that reach the most public in exchange for a fee.
Pins to buy:
It is the option that allows your customers to purchase your products without leaving Pinterest.
Pinterest Analytics:
It is a tool that allows you to recognize what people like the most and which elements are saved the most, as well as to know demographic data about your audience.
Widget Builder:
With this tool you can create buttons to link your pages with Pinterest.