La e-commerce trend has gained quite a bit of strength. However, this trend seems never to completely replace the experience of making a physical purchase. The opinion of users regarding e-commerce is very good, however there is still a large number of consumers who want physical commerce.
Why do people use e-commerce? Mainly for two things. The first thing is that time is not enough due to the current hectic lifestyle, this lifestyle not only limits us with respect to time, but also with respect to the energy and desire that we have to carry out other activities.
Because physical commerce still demands
The second reason is that the ce-commerce allows us to access products which in a physical way is more difficult to find. This applies to imported products or rare collectibles. Unlike the first cause, this does not directly imply that consumers do not want to continue attending a physical store.
From what we analyzed above it can be deduced that although the market is showing an advance in popularity, many consumers would prefer to go ahead with physical commerce; This opinion is very popular, why?
The main reason why users or consumers still want to buy in a physical store is the experience. Although in a virtual store all the tasks involved in making purchases are facilitated, users find that this experience is not good enough.
It is true that in a virtual store we can solve our doubtsHowever, in a physical store we interact directly with the person who solves our problems; In addition, there is another interaction that is still very important, and that is to be accompanied with friends or family. Without a doubt, they are very important points to take into account when determining the future of trade.