Customized eCommerce boxes: keys to building customer loyalty

Custom eCommerce boxes

Imagine the following situation: you have just received two packages. One comes in a brown box with your details and little else. The other is a red box, with a design very similar to that of the website where you bought it and the name of the eCommerce. The tape that seals the box is a different color and design. Your data is entered in a manual and calligraphic way. Which box would you choose? Surely with the second one. And personalized eCommerce boxes are part of the user experience.

Wait, you don't know what we mean? Do you know packaging but not use it for the benefit of your online store? Then read on.

The packaging, the user experience at the highest level

Gift boxes

When we talk about digital marketing and user experience, almost everyone understands that it refers to creating a page that is easy to navigate, easy to buy, and easy to understand. This way, The user can feel comfortable and place their orders without problem.

But it does not finish here. If you really want to build customer loyalty and make them feel appreciated, it is not only enough to offer a website where it is clear that you pay attention to them, but a service that is up to that level. And that's where the packaging comes in.

What is packaging

order boxes

The packaging, or in Spanish, the packaging, It is the box in which the order will arrive to the customer. In most eCommerces they are not taken into account, you simply take a box, put it inside the product and little else.

But when you want to use custom eCommerce boxes, these can be create a big difference between buying in one store or another.

Following the example with which we began the article, receiving a "normal" box rather than having a "special" one makes that order (and the relationship with eCommerce) more memorable because you appeal to the emotions that that person is going to feel.

In fact, if you receive a normal box you will not pay much attention to it, you will open it and put it aside for the product. But with personalized eCommerce boxes, as soon as you see them your eyes will open because it will not be something you expect. And you will look at it from all sides before opening it. In fact, you will even open it more slowly and carefully so you can use it later.

However packaging may not stop there, but go further.

And once it is opened, you may simply find the product (or with paper to prevent it from moving), or you may have created a unique user experience. For example, in the case of the red box, when you open it, there may be a red and white tissue paper and foam to prevent the product from being damaged. A personalized card and a smell because it has been perfumed. Additionally, the product comes wrapped with a bow to create more excitement.

What all this achieves is that the client feels very appreciated. So much so that it will be easy for them to give you a review (positive or negative), to be more predisposed to understanding if something has not turned out as expected, or to even buy from you again just to relive the experience of having those emotions again. .

Tips for your custom eCommerce boxes

boxes with bow

If you are a small eCommerce, or a large one that can allocate a budget to packaging expenses, we recommend that you try to implement this form of packaging to notice a change in your sales and customers.

It's really not difficult to get it, you just have to pay attention to:

  • Box. Try to opt for boxes that are not the same color as always. Yes, they will be a little more expensive, but it will be worth it. Unfortunately, if your budget is tight, you could always opt for the cheapest ones and decorate them yourself. For example with a border or even with paint. The goal is for it to be perceived as something that has been paid attention to. Of course, don't forget that it must contain the name of the eCommerce for them to associate it. Always choose the colors of your website or logo so that they identify it visually and textually.
  • Tape. The tape that holds the box together does not always have to be brown or transparent. In fact, you can find very cheap decorative ones and if you have several options all the better because it will always be different. We do not recommend personalized ribbons with the logo and name of the eCommerce because the user experience is not the same (they are perceived as an advertisement or offline spam). So go for other options.
  • Inside. Forget about bubble wrap, normal paper and balls. It doesn't mean that they shouldn't be there, mind you, but that they aren't the protagonists in that box. Instead, choose to personalize cards, perfume them, or use other colored, textured or designed papers to draw attention.
  • The detail. There is nothing like building customer loyalty. And if the box isn't enough, adding some details will. You should always give the customer what he asked for plus an extra. Something that doesn't mean much to you, but that is of value to that person because of the detail of receiving it.

If you do it well, not only do you play with the user experience (and all the benefits that we have told you before), you will also get your order uploaded to the networks and that will give you many more orders and impact. In fact, if you're serious about custom eCommerce boxes and have several options for shipping orders, you can create anticipation for what they'll receive.

For example, you could create “Custom Collection eCommerce Box Month,” where during that month you will have different designs sent randomly to whoever orders. If you sample them all and the design is powerful enough, you could create the “need” to collect them all.

Have you thought about how custom eCommerce boxes can differentiate you from your competition in such a simple way? We read you in comments.

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