Before the Internet was present in every home, business, office, etc. Online marketing did not exist, nor did companies have a presence on the Internet. How were they promoted and publicized? Well through the offline marketing.
Many consider that, with online marketing, businesses, brands, etc. they no longer need offline marketing strategies. A big mistake. Find out below what offline marketing is, why it is important and what benefits it can bring to an eCommerce.
What is offline marketing
Offline marketing is that of a lifetime, the one that has been done, and is done, in town stores, in the city, autonomous community and country.
Conclusion actions that are carried out without the need for an online presence, but they are carried out in real life. Its objective? Reaching the consumer or client, through information, knowledge of the brand and / or product, the offering of services, etc.
For this, various promotional and marketing actions are used such as posters, brochures, printed advertising, business cards ... But advertising in the media, direct mail, word of mouth, etc. would also enter.
In other words, it is the way to promote a business without resorting to a computer or a network connection.
What are the advantages of offline marketing for eCommerce
Since online marketing was on everyone's lips, and it is said that, "if you are not on the Internet nobody sees you", it is thought that offline marketing is dead. And the truth is that no. In fact, it begins to revive.
Despite the fact that many eCommerce are being created in Spain, whose main presence is online, there are great benefits of using actions outside the Internet. For instance:
- To reach users who do not use the Internet. A clear case is if you have an eCommerce that is dedicated to products for the elderly. Your potential client are those older people, but many do not use the Internet or know how to reach your page. Therefore, strategies focused on offline marketing would have much more impact than online ones.
- Massively reach many. Imagine you decide to put a banner next to a highway. As you know, millions of vehicles pass through it a day, even more if we talk about major cities or capitals. That is, millions of people are going to see you. It is a massive and indiscriminate advertising, yes, because you reach many but not all of them have to be your target customer. Now, will they recognize you? Without a doubt, even when they are not interested, they will know how to recognize you if they see you online.
- Offline advertising is still effective, and it costs little. The same is not the case with online, which is increasingly costing more and it is more difficult to reach people.
There is a greater closeness, especially because a relationship with customers is established, helping to retain them and empathize the brand with a person or group of people. That helps, among other things, to buy more.
Offline marketing strategies that work for eCommerce
Now that you know all this, you may think that, for an eCommerce, which does not have a physical presence in your city, or a store where it can sell, it does not work. But really it's not so. For example, do you remember the Aliexpress ads? You have seen it on the Internet, but also on television, in the press… Do you have a store in Spain? Not until very recently and still they have been announced.
The fact of going out in the media, of integrating yourself into people's day-to-day lives, makes, in the end, indirectly, they look for you on the Internet. Of course, the better a promotional campaign, the better the result.
What offline actions can be done to take effect in an eCommerce?
Announcements in the media
Can be television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. The traditional media that, although it is thought that they are in the doldrums, is not like that and if you choose the right ones, they can work very well for you.
Promotions to influencers
The fact of trying something, but if you also get publicity, not on the Internet, but outside, the better.
For example, imagine an influencer to whom you send a t-shirt with your online store printed on it and he puts it on to go out on the street.
Yes, it is more difficult to control. But you could bet on small rental companies (of cars, scooters, etc. and put your eCommerce as advertising). By using it people will be moving your advertising everywhere.
Participation in events
This was not used much in eCommerce, but now it has been seen that they are very effective and make the business is "humanized" seeing people behind those online stores. So if there are events related to the sector you work in, bet on investing in them.
It is a way to make yourself known outside the networks and as there are not many who do it yet, it can be more effective.
Street marketing
It consists of street marketing, and it is what is working more and more. It is characterized by promoting a business, brand or product through street performances. For example, a dance, sculptures, graffiti, etc.
Being so flashy, you not only cause a sensation in whoever sees it. Rather, as we live attached to a cell phone, people record it and upload it to the Internet. In this way you get offline advertising but, indirectly, also online.
It is a great weapon and something that is not yet very exploited.
Outdoor advertising
For example, on a fence, in a canopy, hung on streetlights, etc. They are good ideas because, if they are placed in streets or busy areas, people will see you.
If you also put the url of your business, a QR code and make an attractive and curious design where people are encouraged to know more, you are guaranteed a visit.
Of course, as in the previous case, it is a form of join offline and online, and it is quite attractive. Of course, be careful because it is more and more common for people to look at the ground, so sometimes it is better to focus downward or forward than upward.
As you can see, although it may seem silly, offline marketing still works. For many businesses, better than online. Therefore, when establishing a marketing strategy, we must take into account actions that can be done without the need for the Internet, that is, face-to-face, you to you, or between clients and workers. Do you have more questions about offline marketing? Ask us.