Online trading It has progressed enormously from the moment it started and continues to grow progressively every year. The ecommerce worldwide has set the perfect stage for an increasingly strong duel between who gets the most innovative ideas or the most avant-garde technology with which they can surprise their customers and provide a service that knocks down the competition.
We are going to know below some of the ideas that could surprise us in 2018:
Shipping by drones:
The drone delivery service it is a technology only available in a very limited market. However, the Flytrex company which is dedicated to designing drones may change this very soon. This company has launched a completely autonomous drone on the market for the first time, with which delivery times can be shortened by up to 75% and saved up to 60% in shipping costs. Since these autonomous drones can move through dense urban spaces in a much faster and cheaper way than a delivery truck does.
Micro warehouses:
Currently the product deliveries bought online are made thanks to large-scale warehouses, however, an Israeli robotics company plans to change this very soon. His idea is to use robotics and artificial intelligence technology to allow sellers to store inventory of their products in strategic locations within just a couple of kilometers of any delivery. This company is hopeful that with this system it can help sellers stay out of the competition from Amazon.
Make entertainment a shopping experience:
A company called Spott's technology makes any content interactive entertainment, allowing users to search through movie scenes for the products that were used. From clothes to kitchen utensils it will be possible to distinguish in entertainment programs, these types of ideas outside of ecommerce have a greater implication in marketing strategies and how entertainment will change in the years to come.