As you know, and if we don't tell you, There are not only the social networks that you know, but there are many others, which may not be as widely used, but which can change in a short time. New social networks come out every year, and we could even say almost every month.
But what are they? And why, if you have an eCommerce, are you interested in knowing them? If you haven't considered it, we are going to give you an opinion that just might make you change your mind and begin to see these new networks with different eyes. Go for it?
New social networks, why are you interested?
Think about TikTok. It is not a network that came out recently but has been with us since 2016 (2017 if you want it to be the beginning from the name by which we know it). At that time, very few used it and there was not much content.
But What if as an eCommerce you had been making videos and getting your channel to be one of the first to arrive? Well, maybe now it would be a very important channel that millions would follow and you could even make money with it. Think about it. More clients, more money.
The new social networks they have an advantage on which they are used: that they are not covered and that they can help you get a better position against your competitors. As long as you do things right.
With that we do not want to tell you to launch yourself to create profiles in all the new social networks, but rather to look for and consider these as opportunities to which to send your business. If the network succeeds, you are already there and it is easier to position yourself. But you can only do this if you have time to manage more.
What new social networks exist
You may be curious and want to know what new social networks there are, and especially if they have a future or could at some point unseat Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch o TikTok. And we're not going to keep you waiting. These are the ones we have found.
Do you want a social network in which women are the ones who control and manage? Well, this is your ideal. Bumble is actually a dating social network. It has some parts that are free and others that are paid. how about with tinder.
In fact, its creator is the co-founder of that network, Whitney Wolfe, and has decided that respect and that it not only serve to link is present. Why do we say this? Well, because you can find your "orange" or make friends or look for contacts with whom you think you will expand your professional network.
Caffeine It is one of the new social networks that should be kept in mind. And it is focused on Gamers and streamers. They say it's more social than Twitch o Youtube Gaming, which makes it attractive and, if they do it right, could even unseat some of them in the not too distant future.
Note that Fox has invested 100 million dollars because he sees potential. So if you dedicate yourself to that, or have a store in that market, it is important to start following it.
When we discovered this we laughed. And the first thing that came to mind It is the typical neighborhood patio in which gossip was told. Or they are told, because the human being has curiosity to overflow and it never hurts to listen to a rumor or something that has been said out there.
Well, according to the creators, Marujeo is the social network of Spanish origin that will reinvent word of mouth. And for this, it has the possibility of creating entries with titles, images and texts so that others can read them and know what's going on.
What can it be used for? Well, if you have a fashion store it could work. Although the biggest effect we see is for celebrity gossip.
The network will detect the location of the person in such a way that it will notify them of everything that is happening or will happen around them so that they are aware. It is as if you became a journalist.
Can you imagine communicating only with emoji and some things calledmagic words«? Well, that is the philosophy of Peach, a social network in which you will only use these two elements to communicate, as well as images, GIFs and emoticons.
Of course, it has a drawback that can be one of the worst: that for now only available on iOS, not on Android, although we assume that sooner or later they will end up hanging it there.
Do you know this new social network? Well, if you are looking for a job you should because it is one of the networks that is working as well as LinkedIn. In fact, since it was launched on iOS and Android, in nine months it has already nine million users. Therefore, if you have a business that may interest others, if you offer or are looking for work, or if you want to make yourself known as a personal brand, you should take it into account.
This is something more unknown, but the truth is that it is attracting a lot of attention, especially because all content that is published becomes NFT. And that means you can buy or sell.
That means that you could sell your videos, photos, images or even your words and thus access the blockchain.
Horizon worlds
This one is not so new, but keep in mind that right now It is one of the social networks of the moment and there are already beta testers who are going to test it. It is focused on virtual reality and the objective is that we can create an avatar or character, a mini-me with which we enter a virtual world to play, chat or do whatever we want.
I don't know about you, but to us it seems like the movie Ready Player One. And the thing is that it could work taking into account that it is increasingly clear that technologies are part of our daily lives practically since we wake up.
If you are one of those who thinks that the world could be better and you want to support charitable causes, Supernova can be your social network. For a start, 60% of advertising revenue is donated that has the network to charities according to users.
What they are trying to do is create a positive and inclusive community, where there is more love and less hate.
Do you know new social networks that you think can succeed? Well, leave them in the comments.