If you have created and own a e-commerce site, You have to bear in mind that you definitely need more users than yourself so that they can not only sell their own products, but also buy their products and from more users, but definitely constancy is the most important thing on these sites, and then We will give you important information so that your users visit your site more often.
Verified information
The complete information of each user is crucial for them to start building trust between them, declaring your complete information and verifying it, can help a lot so that these users have the confidence to return and purchase more products from your site.
Constant activity is very important since users can quickly notice if a site is constantly being updated or if the information it has has already become very old, apart, keeping your other users in constant activity is very important, given that the more visits you have on your website, the more likely you will get more profit from them.
Rating system
E-commerce site rating systems help build trust between seller and buyer, this system is crucial for large e-commerce sites such as eBay and Amazon, apart, this system helps a lot for buyers, since if They want to get an idea of what the seller is like, they can enter the seller's profile and see the reviews that other users have of him.
Social Media
The constant activity in social networks and the publication of offers or new products that the site offers is very important since this motivates new users to enter your site, either for an article in which they are interested or just to review it.