El world of electronic commerce evolves by leaps and bounds every year. If we own a company that works online, we must ask ourselves if it is enough to just have desktop version from our page. Every day more people access the internet through their mobiles.
If when you find our page and realize that it is not compatible with mobile browsers, we can assume that this is a lost customer.
There are two options to be present in the world of mobile commerce.
This consists of design an application that users can download to their cell phone through App Store, Google Play or Windows Store. This is a great option as long as we remember to include security protocols for the protection of our clients.
Pros: For many clients it is the preferred option and with which they feel most confident. We will be able to design the application to our liking, creating catalogs and easy forms of purchase. Through this application we can also send notifications of offers to encourage our client to make another purchase and thus increase our sales.
Cons: On many occasions we will be charged a small fee to keep the app available in app stores, but it is a cost worth keeping since we will reach many more clients.
Mobile version:
It is generally the same URL of your page by replacing the "www" by an "m". In this case we will have to design a simplified version of the page that can be supported by most mobile devices.
Pros: When searching from a mobile This version will appear in the results of the engines making it easier for our customers to find us. For new clients or sporadic clients it is the most effective option.
Cons: You need the double web management, since the two versions will be different and both must be worked to keep them updated.
The most advisable thing is to have both options in order to facilitate the shopping experience to the different types of clients with whom we can meet. Let us remember that we must always be evolving to stay current in the ecommerce world.