The European Commission carried out an investigation through 697 e-commerce sites in the European Union. The results indicate that 63% of Ecommerce sites do not clearly offer the information corresponding to transactions.
The study found that one in every three e-commerce web pages they had incomplete or unclear data on the merchant. On the other hand, one of each five ecommerce sites did not provide customers with a clear display of the prices or the contract conditions.
It is worth mentioning that the European Commission implements these investigations on a regular basis with the aim of verifying that the consumption regulations of the European Union are applied. Of the 697 e-commerce sites analyzed across Europe, 436 had some type of irregularity.
During the investigation, The European Commission made several important issues clear. First, almost two out of three Ecommerce sites do not have all the information about the right of withdrawal of a transaction as required by law.
I mean, this type of sites did not include a withdrawal form corresponding or did not inform their customers about the exact number of days (14), available for them to withdraw an online transaction.
It was also reported that one of each three websites had incomplete or very unclear data regarding merchants. This included the one that did not offer data such as the address or the full name of the operator and it was even found that 21% of the sites did not inform about the price or the conditions of the contract before confirming the order.
A smaller percentage of 18% of the ecommerce sites did not offer precise information regarding the characteristics or specifications of the products or services they sell. What was not reported is whether the offending sites would receive some kind of sanction or penalty.