Marketing used in e-commerce

Marketing used in e-commerce

All great company I need publicity and fame to succeed, companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Dell, These companies are globally recognized due to the advertising and marketing they run. E-commerce sites may not have many television commercials, but they use the internet as their broadcast medium. And then we will introduce you to the advertising methods used on e-commerce sites.

Social commerce

This advertising method is based on all social networks, such as Facebook and TwitterThis type of marketing consists of creating pages on these social networks where people can review the publications that such pages make, on these pages it can be published that there are several discounted products, which attract the buyer to review the original site , clear examples of this are the Facebook pages like eBay and Amazon, that keep their followers aware of discounts or new products that arrive in their market.

Website advertising

Various e-commerce sites They pay other websites which are visited and known worldwide, to place their advertising on their websites, sites like Google, Bing, YouTube, are very good examples of them, in the case of YouTube which is a site visited by millions of people every day to entertain themselves with videos of their liking, which Youtube has incorporated are ads at the beginning of all videos, which help and publicize websites, or even publicize offers which these sites are offering.


El "E-mail marketing" It is a type of advertising also used to promote e-commerce sites, which are used so that the buyer is kept updated on products which may interest him, and all this information is sent to the user's email on e- commerce.

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