Marketing strategy

Marketing strategy

Having an eCommerce today is not difficult. But to succeed with him yes, and a lot. Therefore, those who invest in a marketing strategy have a better chance of reaching the right customers, making a profit and launching that business on the Internet.

But What is a marketing strategy? There is a lot of types? How should you get going? If you've just asked yourself all of those questions, and even a few more, it's time for you to take a look at the information we've collected for you.

What is a marketing strategy

What is a marketing strategy

You can define a marketing strategy as those steps that a company must take in order to increase sales and brand image with respect to the competition.

It is, therefore, a process in which a script is drawn up which, based on the resources available to the company, both financial and material, can establish a series of actions. These must have the objective of increasing the sales of the products that they have, or to make it much more known by users and people who are interested in what they have.

Any marketing strategy It is formed based on five objectives that are:

  • Specific: They are those that refer to a specific objective, something that you want to achieve.
  • Measurable: because you have to know how to measure what is achieved, otherwise it is difficult to know if the achievement has been achieved or not.
  • Achievable: You cannot set goals that are difficult to achieve or impossible. You have to be realistic because, otherwise, we will end up with a marketing strategy that will be impossible to fulfill.
  • Relevant: that are related to the company and what you want to achieve. For example, if your goal is to sell more products, you cannot measure the result of the strategy based on the likes that social networks increase.
  • With date: you can set short, medium and long term goals.

Types of strategies

Types of strategies

Talking about the types of strategies can be quite extensive. But at the same time it will give you a vision of how you have to consider a document of this type based on the general objective you want to achieve. For example, looking to sell more products in your store is not the same as looking for more connection with customers on social networks.

The strategies are different and, even so, they would fall within a marketing strategy.

Therefore, here we leave you the most common today.

Inbound marketing strategy

It is the one that takes care of that customers reach the mark. Examples of this could be courses, tutorials or products that seek to solve a problem that users have, and also explain how you can solve it.

It is perhaps one of the most complicated to exploit, especially since today almost everything is invented.

Content Marketing

If you're looking for give value to the contents of your website, and at the same time improve SEO For Google to position you on the first pages of results, then this is one of the best options for marketing strategies.

It is based not only on establishing good titles and distributing keywords in them, but also on providing content that interests users, that teaches them and empathizes them to the point of being of interest to them.


A social media-based marketing strategy is, today, a sure hit. More and more people are joining the networks, and where else you can find them.

Therefore, dedicating resources and efforts to publicize your eCommerce or your page through these options right now is essential for many. Of course, in most cases the objective is to publicize the brand, not to sell. Because that is usually something secondary; what is really established is a channel of communication with the followers and, at the same time, of connection with them.

Email marketing, the email marketing strategy

More and more eCommerce are doing this type of strategy but you have to be very careful because many consider them spam, even if they have signed up themselves.

In addition, sending an email every day, or even every week, can cause many to unsubscribe if during the first few times they are not offered anything that interests them. To this you must add that they are not "personalized" emails, although now there is a greater differentiation according to the tastes of each client.

How to develop a marketing strategy

How to develop a marketing strategy

We have perhaps reached the most important point if what you are looking for is a “common” marketing strategy. Each eCommerce has objectives, resources and ways of doing things. This means that using a template or another company's strategy Applying it to your online store or to your brand may not get the results you expect.

Therefore, it must be evaluated for a specific company or business. In it, several sections will be collected, from the resources available, the activities that will be carried out, how to measure results, possibilities for changes according to the results and what you want to achieve.

To do this, the steps are as follows:

  • Set your goals. Based on what we have told you before. There is no minimum or maximum number, but normally the marketing strategy is annual.
  • Market research. This is achieved by collecting all possible information about the market in which you want to operate. In addition, there are two important subsections: that of potential customers, that is, the audience you are targeting and who you need to know; and that of the competitors, which you must also analyze to know what they are good at to overcome and what they are bad at, so as not to make the same mistakes.
  • Strategies to achieve those goals. Activities, actions and projects that will be carried out to achieve what you want.
  • Budget that is available, both economically and in resources.
  • Change strategies. You can establish some strategies as plan B if you see that they fail in which you had trusted in order to make changes at work and achieve better results.

And that's it. It may seem easy but the real challenge of marketing strategies is, without a doubt, achieving the objectives that are set.

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