Marketing and publicity. They are two concepts that are part of the evolution of business, not only those of the Internet, but also physical ones. However, many times both branches are confused and it is thought that they are the same, or that they should encompass the same things, when in reality they are not.
Therefore, we want to give you a hand so that you understand what we mean by marketing and advertising, what are their differences and which is better of the two. Do you want to know everything? Well here you have that information.
What is marketing
Let's start by defining marketing. In this case, it is the market research. In other words, it deals with understanding how the market and consumers behave. Its objective is to analyze this data in order to develop a strategy that allows to increase sales and improve both the benefits and the image of the brand.
These are always marked in the long term, since to influence the market a strategy is necessary that will not take effect until several months later, although it does not mean that short-term results are not seen (but really the best ones will come over time. ).
What is the publicity
For its part, advertising is not in itself a study, but a way of connecting the brand, product or company with consumers. In other words, it would be to make this consumer know what that company wants him to know about them. The objective, as with marketing, is also to increase the sales of the products as well as to improve the image of the company.
However, what you may not know is that advertising is a branch of marketing, that is, it is encompassed in it. It is about creating a persuasive message to connect with customers and make them buy or ask for what is sold.
This advertising used to be on a "physical" level, both on the street and in the media. Now digital channels are added, which are increasingly important and weighty.
Differences between marketing and advertising
After seeing what exactly we mean by marketing and advertising, it is clear that one of the great differences between the two is that one is "dependent" on the other. As we have told you, marketing encompasses advertising, or what is the same, advertising is a branch of marketing.
However, not only is there that difference between the two, but we can find many more that we will discuss below.
Advertising is always marketing
When you see an ad, you know that it has a specific objective, be it buying a product, knowing a company, etc. That is advertising seeks a purpose related to a marketing strategy that is held.
On the other hand, in the case of marketing, we cannot always talk about advertising. There are many more ways to influence consumers than it has to do with advertising. For example, the design of that product, the logo of the company, etc.
Marketing and advertising focus on two different things
Well yes. Also, it is something that not many realize about it, but it happens.
And is that advertising is always going to focus on getting consumers to notice that advertising at the same time that they focus on the product, on the service, or on making the company known.
And what does marketing do? Well, its objective is more oriented to get an image of the brand, product or service while understanding how both the market and customers behave.
Two very different objectives
We have told you before that marketing was based on long-term goals. It requires time to apply the techniques, to modify them if it is seen that the expected results are not obtained, etc.
Instead, advertising is more immediate. It seeks to capture the attention of consumers almost immediately, because it is the way to attract attention. That is why after a while that advertising has to be changed, because the consumer gets used to it and it stops working.
Marketing and advertising are not focused on the same
While marketing is responsible for analyzing the market, consumers, the product, distribution and promotion, advertising has other aims. In this case, what they are concerned with is only the promotion of the product, that is, how to make it reach consumers.
But all of the above leaves it out.
Marketing is more study, advertising is application
And is that marketing itself is a study. It takes many factors into account to find the results you are looking for. But advertising is a part of those results. It is the action of that study that has been carried out previously.
Marketing and advertising for different purposes
Thinking about marketing after everything we have told you is thinking about a study where all aspects related to a company, a market and the products / services it offers are analyzed.
But in the case of advertising, what you think about is how to attract the customer.
In other words, marketing is based on increasing the profits and reputation of the company; But the advertising goes directly to your potential customers.
Which is better, marketing or advertising
After seeing the differences between marketing and advertising, the question that may come to you is which of the two is better. And the truth is that there is no easy answer. Both are combined and allied to achieve success.
Indeed, you are not going to achieve anything by doing a good marketing strategy if you do not have advertising. And advertising itself won't work without a job well done in marketing.
What does that mean? Well, there is no marketing without advertising and advertising without marketing rarely achieves good results. In short, when choosing one or the other, you must opt for an alliance between the two.
Are the differences between marketing and advertising clearer to you now?