Essential tools to carry out a market study

how to analyze a market study online

Years ago, companies were mainly focused on offline business. The more rudimentary market studies were also more expensive. The reason around cost was that you used to have to hire staff, or do it yourself physically. Either from consulting firms with data on the sector that we were going to touch, and with very general data, to investigating what the competition did or surveys of personnel who would be hired.

Currently, internet gives us tools to carry out market studies, more effectively and economically. In turn, this has allowed the competition to also have access to these new ways of evaluating. But although there are more studies, to better understand the consumer, that far from being a drawback can be a plus, by focusing more on the interests that customers seek. And for this reason, today we are going to see a series of essential tools to carry out a market study.

What do market research tools do?

They analyze the potential market, between the existing supply and demand for the products or services that are analyzed. The goal is to be able to find those market niches in which there is much less supply and greater demand. These data help us determine a more likely success, unlike markets where there is a lot of supply, but very little demand for something.

ways to do an online market study

After these data, a clear notion of two specific points can be obtained. The number of consumers who will have to purchase a product or services within a period of time and the price that we can give them

Tools to do an online market study

From here, we are going to see a list of excellent tools that allow us to obtain good analyzes.


When it comes to doing a study, SEMrush it is always my first impulse. If you did not know this platform, I invite you to access its website, or to different opinions of the users who use it. They have more than 40 tools in constant development, and allow very complete SEO and SEM audits. You can also analyze the websites of the competition, the content, the keywords, etc.

tools for market research

It is ideal to be able to analyze your own website, the position in which it appears in the searches, find which keywords offer the most potential, the evolution and trajectory of your website, and possible market niches.

SEMrush is paid, but they offer the option to register and test searches for a specified number of times. From there, it is paid if you want to continue. In this way, you will know how interesting all the tools they offer are.

Google Trends

Google Trends offers us a free and free tool to measure the flow of a certain keyword over time. It can also be used to compare multiple words and look for search trends. Their values ​​appear on two axes, one temporal and the other an index that ranges from 0 to 100 of popularity or interest.

In cases where we search for concepts, which are very little frequented, a message appears that there is not enough data to be able to carry out the results. With Google Trends, we can find which words are most searched over time, by what percentage, and in which regions or countries, to find trends.

Google Keyword Planner

market research programs

Google Keyword Planner is the evolution of the old Google Keyword Tool. This tool provides us with the most searched words for our business, and to be able to choose with more precision those that users tend to search. We will suggest keywords so that the keywords we plan to use have a good performance, for example in advertising campaigns.

Google Analytics

Another of the free tools that Google offers us that help us in our market study. Google Analytics gives us a large amount of statistics to determine what users are doing on our website. Know which pages they visit most frequently, the time they stay on them, if they are bouncing, the location where visitors come from, the conversions achieved, the performance of advertising campaigns ... An essential tool, which should not be missing.


This tool allows us to determine the level of mentions or importance of the term we are looking for, both online and in social networks, images or blogs. Socialmention also lets us know the feeling (and with percentages) that awakens, since it also determines whether the comments are negative, neutral or positive. In this way we will be able to determine the level and rate of interest that our brand arouses, compared to that of our competitors.

how to know which keywords to use


Alexa It allows us to estimate the traffic of a website and its position, as well as the volume of traffic that we could have. In addition, it allows us to know with what organic words a site is being entered. For market research purposes, it will help us determine which keywords are most used.

It is sometimes possible to find a difference between the data values ​​that are shown to us in Alexa and between other tools, and between them. But the important thing is to be able to measure the differences between the levels shown to us, to know what is most important to us. I say this so as not to limit myself to just one tool, a set of them, although we will have more data, also more information to be more precise in market studies.


This tool will allow you to analyze your website, that of the competition, compare them, and track your brand through social networks. It is very intuitive and easy to use, and in a short time, you will have access to an extensive technical analysis of your website. To register is very simple, just go to the website of Quicksprout and enter the domain of your website. From here, in a few steps after being validated via e-mail, it is linked, and ready to use.

Conclusions for market research

Starting to conduct a market study is quick and easy today. The more options we have available and use, the more elaborate, reliable and accurate it will be.

Now you can see what tools are all those that you should incorporate to start. And of course, do not lock yourself in one or two, to be able to have a more global and complete vision about your business. Go ahead and "play" with all of them, and you can begin to understand where the trends are going, and the ideas that arise.

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      alexandrolemus said

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