Talk about email marketing or mailing is talking about one of the most powerful communication tools that exist in online businesses.
Americans have known them for a long time and that is why they have a saying:
Money is in the list
Which goes to say that any business or project has to have a subscriber list and that it is a good way to monetize it. Especially if your project is based on the Internet, and it is not a traditional company.
The email Marketing platform
If we want to set up a mailing list In addition to the editorial line and the strategy we have to attract subscribers, we will have to deal with the more technical part. The one that refers to the sending of emails. For this there are several options. We can send emails using our own resources, for example our server, although as we are going to see it is not a good idea if we do not have very specialized knowledge, or we can hire the services of one of the many platforms that exist.
Start a newsletter sending emails from our own server can be disastrous if we don't do things very well. Keep in mind that when we start sending thousands of emails from our server it is easy for them to add our ip (the server's) to a blacklist. With this, on the one hand our subscribers would not receive their emails or they would receive them in the spam folder and on the other hand, having an IP in blacklist, that is, considered as a source of spam could affect the positioning of our website.
You have to play with many IPs, be careful with shipping rates, etc., etc. Many things to lose and few to gain. But since in most things we have professionals who are dedicated to this, there are a great infinity of marketing email platforms at affordable prices, in which we will not have to worry about any technical issue. We just have to take care of our subscribers, who are our customers and the newsletters that we send them and their repercussion, that is, we really dedicate ourselves to what interests us.
How do they work
These platforms work based on subscribers and emails sent. That is, based on these two factors they set their prices.
When hiring a provider to carry out the newsletter campaigns, you have to take into account how much it is going to cost you. Do you have many or few subscribers? Are you going to send emails on a punctual basis or daily? Do you need autoresponders? Make calculations and choose the company that best suits the way you work.
Strategies and good advice
If you want to start a mailing list in your business there are different basic points that you must comply with. You have to take great care of your subscribers.
- Don't do anything spammy
- Do not abuse with sending emails.
- Be regular, let them know how often they will receive an email. If you can't secure a regular frequency, don't leave the list unattended for months.
- Send quality content that interests your readers and that meets the expectations you have created.
- Don't add anyone to your list without consent.
- Study the legal issues well, in Spain subscribers have to register with a double check, and you have to offer in each email in addition to your data the possibility of unsubscribing from the list.
- Check the reports and results of the campaigns you do. Study the days that give you the best squeeze rate.
- Look for headlines that entice people to open the email.
- Are you going to give away an ebook, or course? Learn how autoresponders work
With all this. We could sum it up by saying that Every company with a digital presence should take advantage of the benefits and opportunities of email marketing, although not starting with very regular campaigns, yes to creating and maintaining a good and healthy mailing list to be able to monetize when necessary.