Have you ever heard of the term lead nurturing? Have you been told about it but you didn't know exactly what it was referring to or how it can work for your eCommerce?
Then you need this guide with which you will understand perfectly what they are talking about. And best of all, you will be able to see it applied to your business as you read what we have prepared for you.
What is lead nurturing
The first thing you need is to understand the concept of lead nurturing. And for that, nothing like translating it. In Spanish, it means lead nurturing. And it is a strategy, or tool, with which we are going to attract a target group (that is, to a group according to your product or service). And how is it done? Offering relevant information every day so that they see that your business is the best bet they can make to achieve their goals.
In other words. We talk about establish a relationship with those leads to get them to go from being mere spectators to buyers and from there to retain those people.
How is the proccess
We could say that lead nurturing is governed by four important steps:
- Educate.
- Report.
- Involve.
- Turn into.
That is to say, first you are offered a series of knowledge, of content that lays the foundations at the same time that you are telling those readers that you are qualified and that you have the necessary knowledge on this topic. In other words, you know what you're talking about.
From lay that foundation, it's time to report. What does it refer to and why is it different from the previous one? Very simple, because in this phase you are shown a series of courses, services, products that are related to that education and that, with them, you can obtain a benefit, normally one that the users themselves are looking for. Do you mean sell to those users? The easy answer is yes. The complex answer is yes, but you are selling more knowledge than you were giving. Or a solution to those problems you have.
The third phase, of involve, refers to influencing that person. That is, get into the skin and mind of that person to knock down one by one all the "excuses" they make for not buying (a lot of money, I don't have time, I don't believe you...). How do you get that? With the comments and experiences of other people. That's why it's so It is important to have comments and opinions from people who have bought, with whom you have worked, etc.
If all the phases are done well, sooner or later the last one is achieved, which is to convert. Of course, the objective is to achieve it as soon as possible, but from experience it is known that several messages are needed before that happens.
What are the benefits of lead nurturing?
It is obvious to think that if it works, the sale will be achieved, and therefore we will win. But the truth is that there are many benefits of using this technique. We tell you some:
- You can optimize workflows. You will know at what point each person, or group of people, is, so you will know what is happening at all times. You can even measure how much interaction is needed to achieve your final goal of the sale.
- The risk of rejection and abandonment is avoided. You are not going to send mass messages, but you are going to personalize, to create an essence of your brand and that will make them feel that they are not treated as a number (or a credit card) but as people.
- You will improve the ROI of marketing. In case you don't remember, ROI is Return on Investment. In other words, you are going to recover the investment you made and even make a profit.
How to implement a lead nurturing strategy
Surely you are already thinking about how to carry it out in your business. It is common, and then we are going to tell you how to do it.
For this, you will need the following:
Online presence
that is, you need attract customers, not only physical ones, but also those on the Internet. To do this, you have to have an optimized web page that is easy to navigate, with appropriate and connecting texts.
In addition, it is convenient for you to have a presence on social networks because many tend to visit the networks, either to communicate with brands, or to follow them (usually in case there are contests, raffles and others).
Communication with customers
Imagine that you have a business and a person buys from you. You send him the regulatory mail and that's it. There is no more communication.
Now, think of the same scene but, once he receives the product, it turns out that you send him an email asking him if he liked it, if he has any problems with the product or if he wants to tell you some suggestions to improve the service.
And a few days later you send him a detail, which can be a discount. And if you have enabled them to put the date of birth, a week before you send her a message asking her permission to send her a "postcard" detail for her birthday.
Which online store would you go to whenever you had to buy something? Exactly, if there is a communication you get the client and you to establish a relationship.
How do you get that? With quality content, with email marketing, with details, etc.
Lead Qualification
It is necessary, for the strategy to go well, know at what level each lead is. If you remember the process that lead nurturing follows, it is knowing where you are in the chain in order to be able to offer what you need at that moment and increase the chances that you will reach the end.
Once you have all that, the process is simple. You have to:
- Know what the buying process is like.
- Divide the strategy by segments. Covering in a general way is not the same as doing it in small sections.
- To establish objectives.
- Design communications.
- Take it out and try. Sometimes what has been prepared does not work and changes have to be made at different times. It's kind of trial and error, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't work; you just have to change it and think of something else that could be interesting for leads.
Is it now clearer to you what lead nurturing is?