In this highly digitized age, a online marketing strategy can help you get a large number of potential customers. For this to happen, there are components key in an online marketing strategy, which simply cannot be absent.
Key elements of an online marketing strategy
Website design
Because the web design of your online store represents the face of your company, This should be the most professional, clean and easy to use for all who browse the site. In Ecommerce web design we must not forget the calls to action, the optimization of the site for all browsers and of course the integration of the keywords.
Create a blog
For an online store it is essential have a blog that serves as an advertising and information platform, that also generates a large amount of traffic to your Ecommerce. When creating your ecommerce blog, be sure to offer email and RSS sign-up options, social sharing buttons, and the option to engage with customers through comments.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
A good number of clients start in the search engines when they need something you sell. You must then use search engine optimization techniques to help your Ecommerce stand out in the search engine results list.
Email marketing
Nor should we lose sight of the email marketing, in this case with the creation of a quality design for the email template where relevant and useful information is provided to attract potential customers.
Presence in social networks
Finally you also have to ensure that the Ecommerce has a presence on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, etc. This helps to create a community around your online store, reach more people and stay on people's minds.
Important all the points that touch, in blog you have to be careful with the content and what we want to get to the end user