Instagram is one of the social networks that has grown the most in recent years. And that is due, above all, to the fact that the image has prevailed over the text, although right now there are publications that also play with texts seasoned with emojis. But, without a doubt, the greatest success has been the functionalities they have introduced, such as Instagram Direct.
Now, If you have an eCommerce and you don't know what Instagram Direct can do for you, So this interests you because we are not only going to tell you what Instagram Direct is, but we are going to give you several ways to use it in an eCommerce. Surely you had not thought about it.
What is Instagram Direct
Instagram Direct is really a messaging service that is included in the Instagram application. In addition, by combining the messaging of WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, you now have everything much more centralized.
With it you can send text, but also videos and photos. And what is it for? Not only to communicate with your followers, but to send them notifications or get everyone who follows you to know your latest news without waiting for them to see your profile on Instagram (or for it to appear when they are browsing Instagram).
How to make one in a few minutes
To use Instagram Direct you will only need a couple of minutes and, sometimes, not even that. In fact, it's like sending a message to a person, something we do more often every day.
The steps to do one are as follows:
- Take a photo or record a video. You can include some filters, special effects or whatever you want.
- Now, press "Direct", which will appear on the screen.
- Mark or write the names of the followers you want to send the photo or video to. In fact, you can even make a group with as many as you want and thus send it to everyone much easier and faster than one by one.
- Hit send.
And that's it. You don't have to do anything else though We do advise you to take good photos or videos since here quality is of the essence and it is with which you will reach more followers.
How to use Instagram Direct in an eCommerce
Now that you know what Instagram Direct is, it is time to clarify that this function of the social network can benefit you as eCommerce. And, believe it or not, there are many ways to use it to gain an advantage over your competitors. Do not you believe it? Well, see what ideas we can propose you.
Use Instagram Direct to advertise a new product
Do you have a new product in your eCommerce? Great! The problem is that it may not be having the visibility you expected. If that happens to you, how about using Instagram Direct to let followers know you have a new one.
Also, you can help them see it as something closer, especially if it is something that interests them or that solves a problem they have. Sometimes sending a private message telling about a new product, even exclusively before you launch it, will make them feel more important because they have "insider" information and benefits just for being followers of your eCommerce.
Launch a contest
How about an exclusive contest for your followers? Sometimes prioritizing those who follow you helps build customer loyalty. Of course, try to combine a more exclusive one with another that is open, since, otherwise, you will not get new potential customers for your business.
One of the The most common contests for an eCommerce can be that users take a photo of themselves using a product that you sell and send it to the group. Thus, everyone who does so enters the draw for that prize to win, and you can have images that make others see that people use your products. Of course, make sure to put in the contest bases that you could use those photos to promote your eCommerce or the products that appear in it. This way you avoid legal problems.
Exclusive sales or special promotions
For example, imagine that Black Friday arrives and you have thought that, a week before, you want to reduce a product, or a selection of them, to encourage sales. But if 1-2 days before you announce it to your followers, privately, you are giving them priority (and the opportunity to buy without fear that the stock will run out). That helps the people who follow you feel important to your business.
You can even distribute promotional codes to benefit from discounts. Or launch events only for followers, of just a few hours or a few days, to encourage others to become followers and start receiving those benefits.
Enable a question and answer chat
It is another way to bring the «conditions» of your eCommerce closer to the followers of this social network. In this way, you help them find the answers to the most common questions. But you also offer the opportunity to contact you to resolve their doubts, either privately or in the group itself.
In other words, you offer a more personalized and private service, which will humanize your business by making it “from you to you”.
Launch a benefits program
Have you ever considered the fact that an Instagram user follows you is an achievement? What if you do thousands? Or millions? Your own eCommerce would benefit from that because it would mean that you stand out. But, that means not only that you offer something that you like and that millions want, but also that you must take care of those users Because, even if it may not seem like it to you, the "effort" to give a like or to follow you should entail a reward so that, after time, they do not get tired of you.
And how can you do that? With a benefits program through Instagram Direct. Only those who follow you and who you write to can benefit from discounts, codes, gifts and other exclusivities.
In fact, that will only make more people want to belong to that exclusive group and that can help you in your sales.