Electronic commerce It has changed largely due to the ease with which people can interact, even when they are thousands of miles apart, or without the need to get to know each other personally. And thanks to this and the social media they have formed a group of people called infuellers, which have a large following either because of their skills or talents, but generally it is because they manage to empathize with a certain demographic. And what good is this to us as cloud merchants?
The Influencers they are a means by which we can get a message to many people. Many companies pay thousands of dollars for an influencer post that uses their product. There are times when it is not even necessary to do direct advertising about it, with our brand appearing in the publication we will find a direct channel with our potential consumers.
If we decide to use this type of advertising, the first thing we must do is find an influencer whose followers enter the target market to which our business is directed. Let us remember that there are all kinds, those who are dedicated to video games, movies, arts, crafts, even those who seek to share their political or current opinions.
The next thing is to find a way to contact them and make an offer, this usually depends on the number of followers they have and the level of activity in the social networks. Take into account that there are Influencers who decide not to take any type of offers, but most see it as a profitable business model that allows them to continue with their career.
Now that you know the tips to contact an influencer, use them to your advantage and you will see how your sales and visits increase day by day.