An image is worth a thousand words, and it is that one of our first senses to activate to unfold is vision. We are looking for a website capable of persuading visitors, with the maximum potential to convert them into our clients. A web design seeks to optimize navigation and make it as comfortable as possible, and a good way to improve your brand image is through the photographs of your website.
In this post you will learn how to determine which photographs can best speak of your company on the website. Also the importance of having a welcoming and friendly website for users. Tips and advice to take into account to determine which one suits you. And most importantly, how to get the most out of your images so that they boost SEO and achieve a good positioning that attracts visitors. Let's get started!
To improve my brand image through photographs
Most customers' first impressions come by sight. Therefore, although it is not essential, it is not a waste of money to invest in a photography professional to bring out the best of what you offer. The place where more force should take this is at your home plate. Having a good visual branding (the visual elements that speak of you) is vital, and for this I give you several tips.
- Funds. Take time to figure out what you want to convey. It is good to have a regularity, and not take funds depending on how you feel at each moment of your choice. It does not matter if you want to have a greener background, wood, or many intense colors that try to transmit energy, but that all have a harmony.
- Color palette. If you already have some brand and corporate colors, play with them and enhance them in your photos. That your image is reflected in different places will cause them to remember you and distinguish you.
- Typographies. Take care of the texts and types that already appear in your brand image without seeking to innovate because creating that they should be changed. Keep the same font It will allow you to maintain the personality of your brand.
- Textures You can include living elements in them, be they plants, animals, people or parts of them. This factor causes closeness, warmth, and the image that we are dealing with a real, natural and tangible company.
- Texts. We can have images composed only of texts, highlighting the colors of the brand, and using the same typeface. With this we strengthen our personality more, but in a few doses so as not to overload.
- Establish and follow the same criteria. This is the most important part, I have commented on it and I emphasize again. We will not be able to achieve good visual branding if our images are usually random if we choose them according to how we get up in the morning.
Images with logic to text
The photographs must be related and meaningful to what you describe. The most appropriate thing is to personalize each one and put it close to the topic or paragraph you are talking about. You will have found this analogy in many newspapers, and since it is your product that you are talking about, what better way to offer the user to visualize what you are referring to.
This section is also related to SEO. Put the image near relevant text. For example, if you talk about "how to improve the image through photographs", a photo on a monitor displaying images is much better than someone photographing a printer. That it is related, it is just that.
Get quality images
This will depend a lot on the type of business you are approaching. Clear, sharp images, without being overloaded, you can use sequences depending on what you want to transmit. Also you can take support from some photo editing program. There are some free and good com paint.NET which are free. With them, you can play with the brightness, lighting, saturation, cropping images, etc.
Taking advantage of making the photos as attractive as possible will always condition the experience and improve the brand image. The pleasant attracts, and they will be exposed there for a long time.
Looking for the perfect photograph
There is nothing better than that photograph, taken by a photography expert, that makes our product visible, with the best angle and focus. However, for SMEs and start-up businesses, an economic outlay is not always appropriate if the budget is fairer.
For this, we have several options, take the photographs ourselves if we have minimal notions of photography or someone we know with skill, or visit image banks. In the latter case, we can find on the net, pages like Pixabay y Pxhere for example. Both are free of copyright, so we can use and modify them as we want, and their qualities are very good in both cases.
Correct image format
The PNG and JPEG formats They offer that resolution, and to be able to work with them the most recommended and malleable are JPEGs. Unless we have a lot of color weight, or the logo, or design photographs, where then the best are PNGs.
Photographs. Size and resolution
We recently commented on «the importance for SMEs of having a website«, How design should have a place to be harmonious and attractive. Among the recommendations, there is one that is key, and it is the weight of the page when loading. Take pictures, with how much higher resolution or Depending on the format, it may cause a slowdown in the loading of the page.
There are studies that indicate that pages that take time to load tend to lose more visits than those that do not. Each user spends a few seconds on average to load a page. There are patient people, but those who are not, are the first to leave, and we will have lost those.
The best way to avoid it lies in minimize the weight of each image. A good way to reduce it is in the image size and resolution. In addition, maintaining a harmony between the different photographs helps to maintain a coherence of the web, align the texts, the information that we want to integrate, etc.
Name your photos correctly
If we Google images with the words "web design", a list will appear. Which one do you think will be given the highest priority? To the photograph named as "DSC1170.jpeg" or "web-design.jpeg"? Google will give more priority to the image that explains what is in it, than to the other whose name we have not changed.
I emphasize this because many people have authentic quality photographs that would sell a lot that hardly anyone will ever see. And just for not knowing that by changing the name they are going to get it.
An attractive photograph, with a good name, will get a better position and a higher possibility that someone will click on it and enter your website. Which in short translates into more visits.
Describe your photographs
Complete the texts of the photographs and label them correctly. The same as naming the images, but in this case not being visible to users, a description gives a better description to search engines to understand what the image is. Do not miss the possibility of writing in it what you focus.
Remember, your results will always be proportional to your efforts.