HP just dominated the global PC market. You probably don't understand how amazing that is, so here's the analogy for this one: It's like a snail wins a race against the best racers in the world. You will definitely want to check if this is not a superhero.
This is not the Apple company unveiling a new iPhone or iPod And by exploding the market, this is a company that has simply pressed the accelerator at the moment when everyone said they were going in the wrong direction, and in the same way I keep silent about all these criticisms.
As impressive as it is, there is more. This is also basically a new brand with a new approach, but people still see the HP name everywhere, including the bad thinking and massive bad organization that this company had.
This is a perfect example of why a brand should consider changing its name, and Compaq, is a powerful brand on its own, may be the answer for HP.
I am simply in awe of the HP Performance. It was clear when Meg Whitman said that HP had no chance at being successful. She was firmly convinced that PCs and printers had come to an end, apart from the debts this company had incurred.
Now the HP brand does not have any negativity about it. Evidence of this is their sales that are higher than they ever were. The problem is the image of the company that they were carrying years ago. Now, the best practice is not to finish the brand, but to transform it, and the best way to do this is by reinforcing its sub-brands, similar to what IBM did with its ThinkPad, before selling its line to Lenovo.