How to solve duplicate content in your digital business?

Duplicate content can be a very detrimental performance to the interests of your website. To the point that it can directly affect the decrease in visits. But even in e-commerce domains as it can affect the marketing of your products or services, as you will see in this article.

In all cases, and whatever the activity your website is aimed at, any strategy must be aimed at avoiding duplicate content. Because with all certainty that it will cause you some other problem from now on. It is a rejection that occurs from the same search engines that try to penalize this kind of practices among digital users. And for this reason you yourself cannot be different and adopt these undesirable actions.

Within this general context, duplicate content can have many dire effects on your personal and professional interests. And in addition, of diverse nature so that the damages are more profound from that moment on. From the most unfavorable environment in advertising revenue to a lower presence or visibility on your website. In either case, you have to think that duplicate content is never a solution for your interests.

Duplicate content: everything that can happen to you

From now on we are going to check some of the most negative effects in which duplicate content can manifest itself. One of the most relevant is the one that is closely linked to advertising profitability. In the sense, that you can be penalized for this kind of actions that are persecuted by the different search engines. To the point that you can even run out of revenue from advertising.

Another aspect that highlights the poor strategy of these operations on the website managed by users is that each time your positioning will be much more deficient. And to the point of in the end it can become very irrelevant. This factor also means that your number of followers or users decreases little by little. Perhaps without you realizing what is really happening to you in your digital model.

It is also a very obvious sign that content productivity is reduced to extremes that can jeopardize your digital model. Because one of the most notable effects of duplicate content is that it reduces the following among users or clients. Until taking the results to margins that can be totally marginalized from any marketing strategy. Sometimes without your knowing it or even if you detect them in time.

On the other hand, duplicate content can lead to very demanding practices by some content managers. They can limit you some of the services with which you usually have. This is an aspect that you must analyze so as not to fall into situations that are not really necessary and that can weigh you down in the content or in something more complex like your electronic commerce.

Other incidents that may be generated on the web

However, duplicate content problems can have a different origin, but that can also be very detrimental to your personal interests. One of the common ones that you can find is the one that refers to when you can have more than one url for the same digital site. A little trick to avoid very unwanted situations is to make a redirect to the other. In this way, you will ensure that at the end of the day the contents of one and the other address of the website are not detected.

Not in vain, one of our objectives will be to neutralize the effects of the appearance of duplicate content or texts. Being a more common fact than it may seem to us from the beginning. But in any case, it will be absolutely necessary for us to detect some of its most relevant effects in time. As for example, the ones that we are going to expose you below:

Share the same tags

You may not know it, but if you are prone to developing these practices that are so not recommended for all users, you should know that both contents can share the same tags and meta descriptions on various pages of the website. Its direct consequence is that your search engine optimization will be much less efficient than it has been up to now.

Refer to the sources of the information

Lacking any external link to the source of the exclusive information can also penalize your professional interests. It is a small detail that will not cost you much effort to carry it out and it will avoid you more than one problem in the management of the resources of your website.

Take care of sharing content

We cannot forget that there may come a time when we share our content with other websites with the idea of ​​gaining visibility. But in a very unprofessional way and that's when confusion and problems can occur in this kind of digital performance. This is something that happens with some frequency with press releases and the desire to use this information in much of the online content.

Aggravated problems in online stores

If you are an entrepreneur who is in charge of a business or electronic store, you may find that if you make duplicate content in the end, it can affect the profitability of your professional activity. Through the following actions:

Visits will be less and less

In the medium term, and also long, the sales of your products, services or articles will suffer. To the point that you come to the final conclusion that the person responsible for this commercial trend has been to duplicate the texts.

Lower customer loyalty Clients  

Customer loyalty will be much less satisfactory for your interests as a small and medium entrepreneur. Not only in the new ones but also in those that have been related to the ideas you project for many years.

Being easily detected by the main engines or search engines, there is no doubt that you will be seriously penalized with a privileged presence for users to contact your digital company.

You will have many more problems than before to get advertising inserted and this can be a very important source of your income. To the point that it can even destabilize your annual budget.

How to correct these problems in digital content

So that you can avoid these and more unwanted scenarios, we are going to propose a series of work guidelines that can benefit you in the objectives pursued on this topic. With ideas, some very conventional, but others really suggestive and above all innovative. Are you willing to carry them out from now on? Well, take a pencil and paper because you may need them at some point in your professional life.

  • Under no circumstances copy foreign content. Because you also have tools that detect these bad practices on the Internet and that are responsible for tracking duplicate content very effectively. It is worth considering.
  • If for any circumstance you suspect that something is not working very well on your website or e-commerce, you will always have resources such as asking professionals for advice. With the main objective that your website is seriously damaged.
  • Be very careful, because you should not only take care of digital content. If not, on the contrary, you should be very aware of the writing of the meta descriptions. A failure to duplicate information can give you serious displeasure in the coming months.
  • If it is an exceptional case, of course you will not have to worry about these very special performances. It is in the most recurrent cases where you will have to take more than one solution. To the point that you will have to eliminate them from the beginning and in a very radical way.

To avoid greater problems, it is not a bad proposal to redirect the content to the original text or web page. It can be a small solution to get out of trouble at the beginning and it will also not cost you much effort to carry it out.

As you may have seen, this is a very serious incident that can happen to you. But the good news is that you have the odd recipe to correct duplicate content. In some cases, with a change in commercial strategy and in others, being much more careful in your personal actions on this kind of content.

That is, you have enough plans and measures that you can take to reduce, or avoid, duplicate content on your website. So that in this way, the risk of receiving a penalty also decreases. On the other hand, without a doubt it will affect the evolution of professional activity on the Internet.

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      German david said

    For example, I have posted this comment on several pages, does that affect this page?
    In the case of classified ad pages, should they be indexed? This is because advertisers 'copy-paste' the title and / or description to sell services or products.

    Thank you