Many times we accumulate clothes and objects at home that, in the end, we either do not use, or we only do it once before they end up in the back of the closet. The problem is that, over time, all this takes up space, and when ordering, you find things that no longer serve you, you don't like or are not worth it. When that happens, it is very angry, because it is money spent. But why not make a profit out of it? Today we want to show you how to sell on Vinted.
If you have seen several times the ad on television about how to sell on Vinted And you have already been bitten by the curiosity bug, take a look at what it refers to and, above all, if it is true that you can make money with Vinted.
What is Vinted
Vinted is an application that emerged in 2008 and landed in Spain in 2016, although it is now when it is being much better known, especially due to the time of crisis that we are experiencing.
It has a community of more than 34 million users and acts as if it were an online store for second-hand products. Although at the beginning its objective was the sale of used clothing, now it also allows uploading other products such as accessories.
One of the advantages of selling in Vinted compared to other applications is that they do not charge you commissions, neither in sales nor in maintenance nor when uploading articles.
How to sell on Vinted step by step
If you want to learn how to sell on Vinted with the maximum guarantee of success, then this interests you. On the one hand, you must take into account what is the process to sell in the application. But, on the other hand, you must know what are the best tricks to sell and that everything goes smoothly. So we break it down for you.
Sell on Vinted step by step
To sell on Vinted, the first thing you need is download the application to register. Keep in mind that you have to verify your account, so use an email that you look at regularly, because the notices will also reach you there.
Once you have the account, it is important that you describe yourself in the "About me" section. Next, choose what shipping options you want to have for when you sell.
The next step is to upload the articles. These must have a photo (at least 5) and a description as complete as possible. When publishing, the app gives you the option of highlighting the articles or promoting them for reasonable prices; but if you don't want to pay anything, you can skip this.
Now you just have to wait for a buyer to contact you or buy the item from you to be able to pack the product and send it to them. We recommend that you make a video of how you do it, and the condition of the item, to avoid problems. You will only have 5 business days to send the package.
When the buyer receives the package and indicates that everything is fine, Vinted releases the payment. That means that if the package does not arrive, or the buyer complains, you may not receive the money.
How to sell on Vinted: tricks that will work very well for you
In addition to all the process that you must carry out to sell on Vinted, you have to take into account some "tricks" that work and make your products reach more people. For example:
Write the product description
As detailed as possible, with keywords if it can be, terms that people might search for on Vinted. That way you make sure that the app's search algorithm locates your products.
Some recommend that the description be in Spanish, French and Dutch. The reason is that these countries are the ones that use the application the most, and thus you will give a description in their language. We recommend that you also include English.
Add some hashtags as they work the same as in social networks and favor visits to your articles and their promotion.
Set affordable prices
The best is that do not put prices of more than 20 euros. Normally people do not usually look at them beyond 15 euros, because we are talking about used products, so try to put a price that really represents a bargain or an offer.
Obviously, if the product is more expensive, you will have to abide by it, but in those where you can earn a little less money, take the opportunity to sell more.
Focus on a single theme
Selling clothes, selling electronics, selling ... It is good that your account is varied, but if you focus on one type of item, one that has a trend, that is bought a lot, your efforts will be more rewarded, because they will go to your account at look for products because they know you are an expert on them.
Of course, when you run out, you can always change the theme and try others. Something like "limited stock that you keep changing."
Attractive photos
Imagine that you have some sneakers that you don't want and you are going to sell them. You take them, put them on a table and take a photo. Now think about that same photo if you had spent 20 minutes cleaning them, placing the laces well, putting on adequate lighting and taking several photos from different angles to show that they are in perfect condition.
If you saw two ads, one with a photo taken quickly and another where they have been careful, for the same price, which one would you take? Well, the same thing happens here; image is everything so spend time taking quality photos. That will improve the visibility of your ads.
Vinted, is it profitable?
The main question that you may be asking yourself over and over again is if it is really worth the effort to put everything you have up for sale and if it really sells. The first thing you should know is that everything can be sold if it is priced appropriately. For example, a gold ring will sell if you put 1 euro on it; but the same will not happen if you put 1000 euros (or at least it will be more complicated).
Here what you should keep in mind is that we are talking about second-hand clothes and accessories. Even if you have not used them, for people they are not new and that has to affect the price. What do we mean? That you cannot ask for a "like new" price on a product that is not new.
If you take a little time to see Vinted's opinions on the Internet, the truth is that you will find many, both positive and negative. Everything will depend on the experience you have. Some say that you earn between 200 and 300 euros a month, but to achieve that, you have to advertise and promote a lot, which takes time. The products are not going to sell themselves, unless it is something that a lot of people are looking for. In addition, the price plays for or against, since some will not want to pay the price you ask, or it will seem too expensive and will try to haggle. So the profit will end up being less than you may think.
In conclusion, we can say that Selling on Vinted is possible, it's easy if you do it right from the start and it can bring you benefits. But not like to leave your job or empty your house of everything that does not serve you and fill yourself. Although if you are earning little by little you could have extras at the end of the month quite succulent.