Instagram is one of the most powerful social networks and one of the latest to hit the market. Its usefulness is given by its great capacity to upload images and visual material or auditory and exchange it with other users and even with other social networks. Being one of the applications that have been developed the most in recent years due to its special characteristics.
But perhaps the least unknown aspect of this important social network is that which has to do with electricity commerce. Being a powerful tool to market products and articles. To the point that selling on Instagram has become an excellent commercial strategy to incentivize and increase sales in e-Commerce. With growth potential that is not yet fully evaluated by analysts in digital marketing.
Although there are not few small and medium entrepreneurs who still do not really know how this new source of universal commercialization is channeled. So that they can be in a position to achieve their most immediate objectives, nothing better than to teach them from now on to develop this process in one of the most relevant and powerful social networks in the world.
Sell on Instagram
One of the best strategies to carry out the commercialization of our products or services is based on providing these social networks with a very active presence. From this aspect, Instagram offers you greater visibility to show your personal brand. Do you want to know some of the most relevant reasons? Well, pay a little attention because they can help you improve your positioning from now on.
- This social network is based on both textual and audiovisual supports so that the response from abroad is more satisfactory to your commercial interests.
- It is a social communication system that offers a higher level of feedback and in any case above those generated by other social networks with similar characteristics (facebook, twitter, etc.).
- The followers of this social network become very active and on the other hand they do not stop growing year after year until they have 1.000 over millions of users during this time.
- If what you really want is achieve a higher degree of interaction With users to promote your sales or services there is no doubt that you are in the right place.
Design a business profile
Right now is the final moment to come to the conclusion that Instagram is the ideal place to market your products related to electronic commerce. To carry out this task, you will have no choice but to significantly vary your business strategy. Namely, you will have to redefine your profile as a user: passes from the staff to another salesperson. From where you are in perfect condition to achieve this objective so necessary to fully enhance the line of business that you have undertaken through the Internet.
- A profile specially adapted for business will undoubtedly pave the way for selling your products through Instagram. With some small tips that you can apply through this special strategy, such as the ones that we expose below:
- It emphasizes that you no longer represent yourself, but on the contrary you are in charge of defending a trademark. Not surprisingly, you will have to apply different marketing strategies from the beginning.
- Try to exploit all abilities that this social network gives you to penetrate the sector where you are located to publicize your sales in an efficient and simple way.
- It is highly advisable that you let yourself be carried away by the decisions of some collaborators who know this means of mass communication and as a consequence of this action you can optimize all the actions in this social network from these precise moments.
Select the most relevant content
Of course, it is not about creating content in the information just like that. Of course, this is not a very effective measure in digital marketing. But on the contrary, one of the keys to success lies in publishing relevant content. That is, it draws attention to the many users who follow you through this social network. But with a small nuance that you must keep in mind from now on, and that is that in this information you must assess what the audience expects.
To achieve this purpose, you will have no choice but to strictly follow some of the following tips:
- Both the Textual contribution such as audiovisual will be of high quality in influencing a very determined commitment to professional content.
- La innovation in information that you offer will be one of the differentiating elements on the proposals of the competition. Try to set more ambitious objectives than those of these social agents.
- Highlight the most positive and characteristic aspects of your commercial brand to fill a gap that may be absent within the e-commerce sector you are targeting.
Lean on other social networks
Although your strategy focuses on Instagram, it does not mean that you you have to unlink from other social networks. Because of course not, but on the contrary these can serve as the perfect complement for your commercial or professional performances. In this sense, nothing better than trying to involve more followers or users of them. One of your main objectives is necessarily to try to make people follow you on your Instagram account each time.
Perhaps at first it will be a bit difficult for you to carry out this performance. But with a little perseverance and above all a lot of discipline you will see how the fruits of your work are coming little by little. You can not forget that this process in electronic commerce can go slower than in other business sectors.
Try to identify with the interests of users
If you have carefully followed the guidelines for selling on Instagram, you may come to the wrong conclusion: everything will depend on what you do on this social network. It is not exactly this way since you need the interaction with followers' interests. What exactly does this want? Well, something as simple as knowing their habits to adjust to them. That is, their schedules on the network, their demands and especially that they may be interested in what you sell.
To optimize this process, which is apparently somewhat complex, it is very useful to design a group of followers on Instagram that meet the expectations of your digital business strategy. In this sense, loyalty is one of the most powerful weapons you have at the moment. Like requiring a user profile so you can filter information on this important social network. It will cost you a little more effort but you will see how it is worth carrying out. Not so much in the short, as in the medium and long term.
Not all products have the same degree of penetration on Instagram
Another aspect that you have to solve quickly is whether your product or services conform to the particularities of this social network. There are some that are more recommended than others. In order not to eat bulk errors, you need to discover the most suitable product for sale. You will save a lot of time and eliminate unnecessary processes in its commercialization.
Also, you can't forget that each sector within electronic commerce has a substantially different treatment. To the point that some products or trademarks do not fit with the majority profile of Instagram users. If you correct this small incident, do not doubt that you will have a lot of ground gained for the sale of your products through this collective communication channel.
Pay special attention to the name of the account on Instagram
You may not have stopped to analyze this aspect, but it is really very important for the success of your professional project. In this sense, to select the company profile, it is decisive that you link keywords linked to your business. It is the best way for your message to reach other users with total clarity. Not surprisingly, they will be able to identify you more easily and without wasting time searching.
If, for example, you market a virtual store for sportswear under the name "My First Career", it would be very convenient for the Instagram account to attend the following heading: "My first career". There is no doubt that this action will help users better identify your product.
Take advantage of the description to improve relationships
The description can become a link between and interests with other users. For this, you have to display the product very clearly and attractively to make it known through this communication channel. You will have very few characters to capture this information so you must also be concise and use a little imagination.
It will even be very useful if you provide a wake-up call for your followers to visit your virtual store.