When it comes to getting money from products that we no longer want, we usually use applications like Wallapop, Milanuncios, etc. But, do you know Todocoleccion? Do you know how to sell in Todocoleccion?
Don't be fooled by its name, because although at the beginning it was born as a portal to sell collectible products, now it is more open to another type. How about you get some extra money for your products? We tell you everything.
What is Todocoleccion
The first thing you have to know about Todocoleccion is nothing other than what we are referring to. This page is actually a marketplace focused on buying and selling collectible or antique products, although it is increasingly common to find more common objects. In general, specializes in antiques, books and toys, but you can find many other products such as coins, stuffed animals, decorative objects, etc.
It stands out from its competition because most of the products that you find are more difficult to locate in other places, which is why many always keep an eye on it in case something interesting arrives.
Why you should sell in Todocoleccion
If you have never heard of Todocoleccion before, it is possible that right now you are wondering why spend resources and time to place the products there. Especially if you think that you will not find anything there. But The truth is that it is a great alternative for several reasons that we explain below:
Because there is not so much competition
Sometimes, when you compete in a second-hand marketplace, there is a lot of competition and, in the end, users are guided by the price, in such a way that if you don't lower it, you don't sell. And if you lower it, There may come a time when it is not worth it to sell it.
In Todocoleccion, since there is not so much competition, you do not have that problem. Also, it is rare that multiple sellers carry the same product. And even having it, you do not compete for the price but for the status of the product.
It has an auction service
That is, you can sell the product with a fixed price, but at the same time, you could also consider holding an auction for the “highest bidder”. Always start from a base price and this will go up as they bid on it. In such a way that in the end you sell for more than the price you wanted to get.
This is something similar to what can be done on Ebay.
Has a specific audience
And with this we want to tell you that it is focused on collectors, who know that what they are looking for is rare, difficult to obtain and, therefore, can be expensive. That's why, in this case it is rare that they try to haggle you or that they buy it at a very cheap price, because it is not in line with the site.
How to sell in Todocoleccion
Now that it has become clearer to you what Todocoleccion is, and what type of products can be more successful on the platform, How about we tell you how to sell? It's not difficult, but you will need to do a few steps to get your first product up for sale. And for that we are going to help you.
Create your account as a seller
The first step you must take to sell in Todocoleccion is none other than registering as a seller. To do this, you will have to register and create an account. To do this, on the main page, you must click on the black button on the right that says "Access" and there it will allow you to register (or log in if you already have an account).
You must make sure that you have the account as a seller, and for this you will have to pay. And it is that to create your account to sell you have to pay 10 euros plus VAT for the opening of the account. To do this, once registered you have to go, within your menu, to Sell and there click on the black button "start selling" to start the registration process as a seller.
In addition, you will pay a fee for each sale (by commission or by Todocoleccion store) and one for shipping (whose fees are usually paid by the buyer).
upload your products
Once you have registered as a seller, the next step you must take is to upload your products. For it, you must have multiple images (the most attractive to attract users), as well as a good title and a good description.
You will have to add the category to which that product belongs as well as the shipping costs it will have (for sending it to the person's address).
Once you finish, they will all be online.
Now, the price may be something that you do not know how to put it well. Maybe what you ask is too expensive. Or maybe the opposite happens, that you either sell below its price. For this reason, you could use the Price Guide tool, which helps you, through a search, to determine the price. It always does it based on similar articles, which, if it is unique, may not work for you.
Another important point is shipping costs. You must make sure that they are realistic, and that you will not find surprises when sending it. Of course, keep in mind that you are going to have to take care of the shipping, so it has a good thing: you can advertise your web store (if you have it) or be able to sell more privately to those people (without having to pay the Todocoleccion commission). Although the latter is not easy, if the sale has been satisfactory, it could be the case that in the end you sell directly (hence, you must add your contacts and some extra that encourages the other person to buy from you again without Todocoleccion mediating). .
gain visibility
Visibility in Todocoleccion involves paying for your products to stand out. At least at first until you get your first feedback. In this it works the same as Ebay, Wallapop... that is, You need buyers to think of the service and product you have provided. In this way, you will get opinions that make other users trust you when buying more products.
As you can see, selling in Todocolección can be another way of selling that you can exploit, in addition to your eCommerce. In this way you give visibility to the products and get them to reach more people (Not only do you stay with those who come to your website, but you use other sites that have more audiences and can give you "free" advertising).