How to publish articles that position yourself on Linkedin


Linkedin, or Linkedln, It has become a professional social network that is growing more and more. In it you can not only connect with other people, you can also bring your professional profile to entrepreneurs, freelancers, companies or brands who will notice you. But to get those good results, you must know how to publish on Linkedin. And it is not as easy as it seems.

If you also take into account that there are more and more users, standing out with your publications is not an easy thing. Therefore, learn certain tricks on how to post on Linkedin And that they attract attention, or that they position, can be a way for your profile to go much further. Do you want to know the keys?

What type of social network is Linkedln

What type of social network is Linkedln

First of all, you should know that Linkedin is a professional social network. What does that mean? Well, there is no room for "stupid" videos, or publications like those made on Facebook or other social networks where other objectives prevail. Here we seek to create a professional and serious profile.

Note that it's like it's your online resume. In fact, your profile is just that. In it you will highlight your training, experience, skills, achievements ... and always of a work nature, not so much personal (although you can put them if they are related to skills for work).

Now, this network does not stop at just one page to show your resume. You can also participate and post articles, comments, images, videos ... but as long as they are related to your work and your work aspect. For example, a video about your cat may not be something to put on your Linkedin profile. Instead, one on how to be more productive would be better.

Types of publications that succeed on Linkedln

Types of publications that succeed on Linkedln

As in other social networks, on Linkedin there is always some content that has a greater chance of succeeding than others. And when it comes to knowing how to post on Linkedin to position yourself, it is important not only to know the different types, but also to take advantage of them.

Specifically, you have:

  • Your blog posts. If you have one, and today there are very few who do not, you should take the time to write articles in it and, later, pass them on Linkedin to make them known. Of course, make sure it is well written and that they are articles by which you want people to know you.
  • Industry news. Imagine that you work as a vet, and something new has come out to cure cancer in dogs. Well, that news will interest you on your Linkedin since, as a veterinary professional, you will be giving useful information. It does not matter that you have not written it; At first, it was thought that sharing content from others was bad because you gave audience to your competition; Now this is not the case, but it gives you more credibility.
  • Practical contents. Continuing with the previous example, from a veterinarian. What if you put a post or video in which you teach people how to remove a tick? The contents called "how to" are highly acclaimed and if done well, they can serve to stand out from others.
  • Tips. It is similar to the above, although it does not have to be practical. For example, and with the above, you could give advice to take care of dogs in winter. Here we can also include motivating messages, or those that tell experiences and in the end try to help other users who feel in the same situation with them.
  • Photos and videos. Photos, infographics, graphics, videos ... everything "visual" will help in the publications. In fact, these are placed with instructive or informative texts using these images to make them more understandable.
  • Updates. Finally, having taken a course, having a new job ... it can also be something to publish on Linkedin because it will show you active on the network, but it will also bring your passion to always do the best job and have the best possible training.

Tips on how to post on Linkedin and make it successful

Tips on how to post on Linkedin and make it successful

Finally, we are going to discuss with you the keys on how to publish topics that are going to position on Linkedin. To start, you have to take into account certain aspects such as:

  • Your profile should be as complete as possible. An incomplete profile will not give a good image of you and even if your article or publication is good, when they come to know more about you and find "gaps", it will leave you in a bad place.
  • Use high-quality images. Not only that, but also that they captivate, that they attract attention, they are attractive and personalized.
  • Have a good connection. Obviously, no one starts with 5000 connected people, but you do need to have an average number for your posts to stand out. And that is achieved with patience, perseverance at work and on a day-to-day basis.
  • Publica. It is the maxim. On Linkedin it is not about you spending all day posting, but it is day by day. Because that way they will see that you care about keeping it active and giving content that is interesting (and varied).
  • Use SEO. Do you think there is no SEO on Linkedin? Well it is not true. The keys to SEO in this network are important and can help you get your Linkedin posts to the right users.

How to post on Linkedin in the Pulse section

Pulse is a tool that very few know about. And yet, it can open many doors for you, especially if what you write is so good that the social network team notices you.

What is Pulse? It is a way that you have so that, As a Linkedin user, write your own articles on the social network and share it not only with your contacts, but also with the entire community. In other words, Linkedin gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your professional knowledge to make yourself known. In fact, you will generate authority and make your name begin to be known.

Regular posting to Pulse will allow you to make a name for yourself. Not only that, if your publications are of quality, and you demonstrate good writing, as well as knowledge on the subject, you can attract the attention of other people who require a professional like you. And even to Linkedin itself since there are "influencers" on the network who have greater visibility.

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