If you have an eCommerce, SEO positioning in Google is something that worries you. And it is that, the better you have it, the higher you will be in the search results and that implies a greater number of visitors and possible clients who buy from you.
but make one SEO audit of your online store is worth nothing if you do not put into action the recommendations that an SEO professional has told you. How do you do that? Is it possible to optimize the SEO of your eCommerce site? We tell you.
What is SEO
El SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is actually a process in which a web page is optimized. For what? Well, to get it to appear in the first results in search engines.
To do this, different techniques and strategies are used to improve the page and allow organic traffic to be achieved, and also free (in reality this is relative because some of these strategies are paid).
Why do SEO on your eCommerce site?
When a good SEO is done, what is achieved is to attract qualified visitors, that is, they are not just any visitor, but it is achieved that those who arrive at your eCommerce do so because they are really interested in the products that you sell. In other words, they are potential customers.
Now, in an eCommerce, this is even more important. Let's take an example. Imagine that you sell an original and exclusive t-shirt from a brand. You put it at a very affordable price. But you hardly have any sales. If you do good SEO, when a person searches Google for that shirt, it is possible that you will enter the first results.
And it is that, in case you do not know, from the first page it is very difficult for a user to continue, so it is essential to manage your eCommerce so that it appears as high as possible. Because, like this, you will sell more
In Spain, almost all searches are done with Google, which has a market share in our country of more than 90%, which is why it is so important to focus on this search engine and make a good SEO positioning in Google
How to optimize the SEO of your eCommerce
Surely right now you are wondering how you can do to optimize the SEO of your eCommerce and achieve those results: be higher in the search engine (and therefore have a good SEO position) and on the other hand sell more.
Well, the key points to stop at are:
One of the first investigations you have to do is Know what keywords define you. For example, if you have a t-shirt store, you are not going to position your page for watches. Or for pants. They are not your product, nor do they belong to your brand. So you should know what related words people are searching for you to decide which are the best (and which you can attack) in your sector.
Within these keywords you have two important types:
- informative, that can be used to talk about topics in a blog.
- transactional, which are the ones that a person would write in a search engine because they want to buy that product.
With the first ones you can prepare content for your blog, and thus be able to give valuable articles that will help people decide to buy. With the second you will enhance the searches for your products.
Of course, be careful not to want to use all the keywords at the same time. One page, one keyword (and various semantics, if you like).
Be careful with the web structure
An eCommerce does not have much mystery in terms of its structure. But improving it can really help SEO a lot.
La Web architecture must be focused on SEO and try to avoid duplicate categories, that the so-called "breadcrumbs" be placed so that the user knows where he is at all times, that it is easy to move around...
For example, imagine that you enter an online shoe store and look for some slippers to be at home. However, you only see that it lists women's, men's, and children's shoes... And inside you only see dozens of unclassified shoes. Do you search page by page until you find some sneakers? Probably not.
Now imagine that three categories appear on the home page: man, woman and child. And when you click on one, the categories of shoes open: pumps, heels, sports shoes, to be at home... Wouldn't everything be easier that way?
Focus on the user experience
It is becoming more and more important improves very important factors for SEO positioning. How is it taken care of? Well:
- Making the page fast and adapted to users (easy to navigate through it).
- Adapting your design to mobile (bear in mind that 87% of current traffic comes from mobile).
- Having an intelligent search engine to help users find what they are looking for.
- Simplify shopping. Fewer steps, happier customers.
Don't forget the content
Many think that nobody reads the texts anymore, that having a blog in an eCommerce is nonsense. But the truth is that they are all wrong. If you write well and write based on SEO, being a place where you are going to update every x amount of time, you will get Google to go through your site more times, and see changes that will make you climb steps to those top positions.
But it is not worth writing to write. You have to follow an editorial calendar and an objective, actually two: attract those potential customers (who are undecided and don't know whether to buy or not); and improve the authority of your website because, the higher it is, the better Google will consider it and, with it, will position you.
Also, we don't just mean a blog; the product sheets must also be written, and as best as possible, without copying anything since Google doesn't like it.
Keep in mind that these changes will work, but it will not be in the short term, but in the medium and long term. And it is that you have to work on the strategy to be able to obtain those results that you expect. Changing something and thinking that in a week it will work is not related to SEO, it takes time for Google to track the changes and realize that the page has changed and started to improve to raise it in the positioning.