How to optimize the images of your Ecommerce products


Product images in e-commerce They must convey the value and functionality of the item, while also motivating customers to make the purchase. As far as possible, the images of your Ecommerce products they must be light and fast loading. You get this through the Image optimization for Ecommerce products.

Tips to optimize images of Ecommerce products

Remember that the loading speed of a page is a search engine ranking factor. Therefore, optimizing product images is critical not only to improve chances of ranking higher in search engines, but also to improve the user experience.

Tools to compress images Ecommerce

There are a lot of programs to compress images from products that are paid or free. These tools are of great help since they allow you to reduce the file size of the image without this resulting in the loss of visual quality.

Currently some of the image comprehension software most popular include for example:

  • TinyPNG
  • JPEG Reducer
  • PunyPNG
  • Shrink pictures
  • CompressNow
  • Optimizilla
  • Image Optimizer
  • GIMP
  • Photoshop

It is also relatively simple optimize images for Ecommerce thanks to the fact that many of these tools have an automatic process that simply consists of loading the image and clicking the "Optimize" button.

You can adjust parameters to reduce the file size even more, but you have to be careful not to overdo the optimization as you can end up losing a lot of image quality.

Let us remember that the objective of adding product images is to allow users to visualize in detail the main characteristics and features of the product. They cannot see or touch it in person, so the image must convince them that this is a good product.

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