Perhaps we are facing one of the most suggestive aspects in modern digital marketing. It is the new concept of storytelling that refers to a very special way to tell a story and that contributes to the creation of a magical atmosphere through the story. But that the application of storytelling in ecommerce has significantly different connotations. By being used as a very suggestive technique to connect with customers and users with the primary objective of reaching them with the messages you want to launch through this innovative marketing system.
In any case, it is a very modern technique that has significant penetration potential in the digital commerce sector. Not only for their innovative contributions but for the clarity in which the message reaches the other part of the process. It is true that its implementation is somewhat more complex, but if you understand its mechanisms of action, there is no doubt that it can improve your electronic commerce from now on.
The idea conveyed by storytelling is very well defined: something as simple at first glance as getting to connect emotionally through a story or story. So that in this way, two very relevant elements in the commercial sector are combined, such as the rational and the instinctive. Its effects may take a while to reach your online store, but it will surely surprise you with its positive connotations that storytelling has in ecommerce. Because one of its clearest intentions is to get to know customers or users and this can be achieved through a story that reaches the audience.
Reasons to apply storytelling in ecommerce
There are a few reasons why we can opt for this strategy in modern marketing. They are based above all on generating a more or less stable relationship with the client or user. So that in this way, we are in perfect conditions to import the values of the commercial brand to these people. Although for everything to develop correctly there will be no choice but to choose a story or story that is suggestive and that interests the other part of the process.
Because it will do no good if the story is bland, apathetic or with unclear content. If not, on the contrary, users must be hooked to create that link from which our electronic commerce can be reinforced. It is desirable that it contributes values that are closely linked to those of the sector in which we are involved: technologies, sportswear, leisure, etc.
It cannot be forgotten that one of the keys in storytelling is to sell more. It will be useless if our products or services are not marketed if we use an unconvincing story. In this sense, another of the signs of identity of this technique consists in elevating the content to something much more emotional than until now. Through different actions that we can develop from these moments:
- Create story that thrills and get some values to the other part of the process.
- It has to be a story that reaches customer feelings and that helps them to identify the trademark with some ease.
- Unlike other management models, in this one, the interaction. That is, it offers additional information that other virtual stores do not provide.
- It allows a further customization that generates that the client feels more comfortable with our products, services or articles.
- Involve others in your eagerness to take an interest in the trademark and in the long run it creates a very stable union that will help to improve sales in all terms of permanence.
- It is a management format that is open to new ideas and in this sense there is no doubt that it can help to break certain stereotypes.
- Settles for a strategy that can be very helpful in support marginalized communities, associations or other kinds of social groups.
- It encourages users take a more active role in relationships with electronic commerce. So that in this way, they are the ones who propose their own stories with reasons that can really be very inspiring.
- And finally, we cannot forget that a story of these characteristics can lead to the best ideas to promote and develop a commercial brand.
Contributions of this management system
Of course, turning what you want to tell the world into history is not difficult to carry out. First of all, you must believe in what you do and want to share a series of values with other people. To do this, your products, services or articles must provide closeness and ensure that your customers, as soon as they see it, feel identified with them. The message you launch will be decisive for you to be able to meet these objectives in your professional activity.
While on the other hand, another of the keys to success lies in the fact that it will be completely necessary for the user to feel identified with your way of managing electronic commerce. To do this, you must make them participate in the values that your small or medium-sized company represents. In addition, it is a very original and innovative way to differentiate yourself from the offer of the competition. Through a personalized product that can generate illusion and above all emotions among customers.
For example, transmitting the number of successful people with intellectual disabilities who, despite being recognized for their skills and knowledge, have problems integrating into the productive sector. In this sense, it will be vitally important to apply different tastes, lifestyles and even different voices to create this favorable environment for these people. To the point that you can create a new list of clients through a message as emotional as this.
On the other hand, don't forget that storytelling is part of content marketing after all. For the good and for the bad and in this sense you can share your stories or stories through different formats in communication.
If you want to apply this strategy in digital marketing you can use different supports in the content. Either in format text, audio or video and depending on the greater visibility that can be generated to launch the message you want to broadcast from now on.
Do not forget that in the end what you do is sell a product or service and this factor requires an even greater motivation in the message you want to get to customers or users. If you get involved in this task, it will not cost you much effort to detect the most recommended communication channels.
If you want to know why storytelling is that key piece to reach customers, you just have to create a suggestive story and if possible it is full of feelings. With a little luck, success will be assured.
What does storytelling offer you?
In any case, you must analyze that this management system has been devised as a strategy widely used in traditional marketing. But all changes and more in the world of marketing and for this reason it has known how to adapt to the needs of the online medium. With the possibility that you can collect the following contributions that we expose you below:
- Generates that your trademark message penetrate with more force in certain areas of communication and this helps you to be better known among potential clients.
- Analyze the fact that customers do not always purchase a service or product. In a good part of the occasions they can be motivated by emotion that makes them feel your brand. Do not miss the opportunity to export this strategy in your digital medium.
- In either case, you can learn a series of knowledge that will come in handy for your business activity. For example, they convey a life lesson or reflection that will be very important for their evolution.
- They combine with great precision concepts apparently as different as are the imagination and the motivationn. Use them to benefit your digital commerce from now on and you will surely not regret it.
- Learn to develop a climate of trust through the experiences you have had in your life.
- From the first moment it will help you to overcome the obstacles that you have since the creation of your online store. With perseverance you will be able to reach the objectives that you have set for yourself from the beginning.
It is a powerful tool that will make you connect with connect with your users with the message you are transmitting. Without giving up the application of other strategies in digital marketing.
You can make feel special to the recipients of the messages and to the point that they can get into the role of the protagonists. So the involvement in your commercial brand will be much more powerful than until now.